Create Alert
Applies To: Opalis 6.3
The Create Alert object is used in a policy to create a new alert in System Center Operations Manager that originated from another system monitor product.
The first time you run this object in a policy, it installs the Opalis Integration Library Management Pack in System Center Operations Manager. The Create Alert object creates an event in System Center Operations Manager, which the Opalis Integration Library Management Pack then translates into a System Center Operations Manager alert.
When the Create Alert object runs for the first time, it does not create an alert. The workaround is to run it again. The new alert is created after the object is run a second time.
For the procedure to configure this object, see: Configuring the Create Alert Object.
The following tables list the properties and published data for this object. The object publishes all of the data from the required and optional properties into published data. The Custom Field properties correspond to Custom Field Numbered Items in System Center Operations Manager. For example, Custom Field1 in System Center Operations Manager corresponds to CustomField1 in the Create Alert object.
Create Alert Properties
Element | Description | Valid Values | Lookup |
Description |
A description of the alert that you are creating |
String |
No |
Name |
A name for the alert |
String |
No |
Owner |
The owner name that you want to assign to the alert |
String |
No |
Priority |
The priority level that you want to assign to the alert |
Integer |
Yes |
Severity |
The severity level that you want to assign to the alert |
Integer |
Yes |
CustomField1 |
The value of the first custom field |
String |
No |
CustomField2 |
The value of the second custom field |
String |
No |
CustomField3 |
The value of the third custom field |
String |
No |
CustomField4 |
The value of the fourth custom field |
String |
No |
CustomField5 |
The value of the fifth custom field |
String |
No |
CustomField6 |
The value of the sixth custom field |
String |
No |
CustomField7 |
The value of the seventh custom field |
String |
No |
CustomField8 |
The value of the eighth custom field |
String |
No |
CustomField9 |
The value of the ninth custom field |
String |
No |
CustomField10 |
The value of the tenth custom field |
String |
No |
Create Alert Published Data
Element | Description |
Category |
The category name of the Management Pack |
Connection |
The connection string to the System Center Operations Manager server that you are using |
ConnectorId |
The ID of the connector that generated the connection string |
ConnectorStatus |
The status of the connector |
Context |
The System Center Operations Manager context of the alert |
CustomField1 |
The value of the first custom field |
CustomField2 |
The value of the second custom field |
CustomField3 |
The value of the third custom field |
CustomField4 |
The value of the fourth custom field |
CustomField5 |
The value of the fifth custom field |
CustomField6 |
The value of the sixth custom field |
CustomField7 |
The value of the seventh custom field |
CustomField8 |
The value of the eighth custom field |
CustomField9 |
The value of the ninth custom field |
CustomField10 |
The value of the tenth custom field |
Description |
The description of the alert |
Domain |
The domain from which the alert came |
Id |
The unique ID of the alert |
IsMonitorAlert |
Indicates whether the alert is a monitor |
LastModified |
The date that the alert was last modified |
LastModifiedBy |
The last user to modify the alert |
LastModifiedByNonConnector |
Indicates whether the last modification was performed by a non-connector |
MaintenanceModeLastModified |
The time that the monitor maintenance mode was last changed |
ManagementGroup |
The Management Group to which the alert belongs |
ManagementGroupId |
The ID of the Management Group |
MonitoringClassId |
The monitoring class ID of the alert |
MonitoringObjectDisplayName |
The display name of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object |
MonitoringObjectFullName |
The full name of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object |
MonitoringObjectHealthState |
The health state of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object |
MonitoringObjectId |
The ID of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object |
MonitoringObjectInMaintenanceMode |
Indicates whether the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object is in maintenance mode |
MonitoringObjectName |
The name of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object |
MonitoringObjectPath |
The path of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object |
MonitoringRuleId |
The ID of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring rule |
Name |
The name of the alert |
NetbiosComputerName |
The NetBIOS computer name of the computer from which the alert came |
NetbiosDomainName |
The NetBIOS domain name of the domain from which the alert came |
Owner |
The owner of the alert |
Parameters |
The parameters of the alert |
PrincipalName |
The principal name of the computer for which the alert was created |
Priority |
The priority level of the alert |
ProblemId |
The problem ID of the alert |
RepeatCount |
The number of times that the alert has been repeated |
ResolutionState |
The resolution state of the alert |
ResolvedBy |
The user that resolved the alert |
Server |
The name of the System Center Operations Manager server |
Severity |
The severity level of the alert |
SiteName |
The site name of the alert |
StateLastModified |
The time that the alert state was last changed |
TicketId |
The ticket ID of the alert |
TimeAdded |
The time that the alert was added to System Center Operations Manager |
TimeRaised |
The time that the alert was raised |
TimeResolutionStateLastModified |
The time that the resolution state of the alert was last changed |
TimeResolved |
The time that the alert was resolved |
Username |
The user name that was used to access the System Center Operations Manager server |
Configuring the Create Alert Object
To configure the Create Alert object
From the Objects pane, drag a Create Alert object to the active policy.
Double-click the Create Alert object icon. The Properties dialog box opens.
Configure the settings in the Details tab:
In the Server section, click the ellipsis button (...), and select the Operations Manager server Connection that you want to use for this object. Click OK.
In the Properties section, at least one field is required to define the object. Click Select fields. The Add/Remove Property dialog box appears. From the Available list, select the fields that you want to configure in the alert and click the Add button. The fields appear in the Selected list. When you have finished selecting fields to be updated, click OK. The fields that you selected appear in the Properties list.
Enter a value for each of the selected properties. If the property is Lookup-enabled, you can click the ellipsis (…) button next to the text box to browse for a value.
You can also use published data to automatically populate the value of the property from the data output by a previous object in the workflow.
To use published data
Right-click the property value box, click Subscribe, and then click Published Data.
Click the Object drop-down box and select the object from which you want to obtain the data.
To view additional data elements common across the policy, select Show Common Published Data.
Click the published data element you want to use, and then click OK.
For a list of the data elements published by each object, see the "Published Data" tables in the object topic. . For information about the Common Published Data items, see "Policy Workflow Rules" in Opalis Integration Server Client User Guide (
For information about the settings on the General and Run Behavior tabs, see Common Configuration Instructions for All Objects.
Click Finish.
To view the Opalis Integration Library Management Pack in System Center Operations Manager
- Open the System Center Operations Manager console. Click Administration, and then click Management Packs.
Other Objects
The Integration Pack for System Center Operations Manager contains the following additional objects: