Appendix A - Command-Line Option Error Codes


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Service Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Service Manager, System Center 2012 - Service Manager

The following is a list of the error codes that are used in the command-line installation of System Center 2012 – Service Manager.

Error code Error
-16 PreUpgradeCheckFailed
-15 InvalidCommandLine
-14 FailedPrerequisiteChecks
-1 Failed
0 Successful
200 DuplicateDataLogPath
201 DuplicatedCMDB
202 EnterValidDatabaseServer
203 FailedToGetCaseSensitiveAccount
204 FailedToValidateMgmtGrp
205 FullTextSearchNotInstalled
206 InstallPathAccessDenied
207 InstallPathCreateDirectory
208 InstallPathTooLong
209 InvalidCMDB
210 InvalidDatabaseConfiguration
211 InvalidDatabaseSize
212 InvalidDataLogPath
213 InvalidDwServer
214 InvalidInstallPath
215 InvalidPrereqResultFile
216 InvalidProductKey
217 InvalidReportServerConfig
218 InvalidSCSM
219 InvalidSmAdminGroup
220 InvalidSqlInstance
221 InvalidSqlServiceState
222 InvalidToInstalleScsm
223 InvCharInMG
224 MgmtGrpRegistryExist
225 MissingSetupFiles
226 NotEnoughFreeSpace
227 NotEnoughFreeSpaceOnSqlServer
228 NotLocalAdminOnSqlServer
229 NotWin2k8x64Machine
230 NotVistaSP2OrAboveMachine
231 NullDatabaseName
232 NullMG
233 NullSMAdmin
234 OldDwDatabaseExist
235 orMessageBoxTitle
236 PrimarySdkServerEmpty
237 RequiredFreeDiskSpace
238 RequiredFreeDiskSpaceForDataFile
239 RequiredFreeDiskSpaceForLogFile
240 ScomAgentInstalled
241 ScomServerInstalled
242 ScsmComponentsInstalled
243 SelectCMDB
244 SelectSqlServerInstance
245 ServerAccessDenied
246 ServerNotFound
247 SetupAlreadyRunning
248 SetupCancelByUser
249 SetupCrashMsg
250 SetupFailedAt
251 SetupFailedWithMsior
252 SqlAccessDenied
253 SsrsInvalidWebUrl
254 SsrsNeedSecureUrl
255 SsrsNotInstalledOn
256 TestCredentialsFailed
257 TestCredentialsNotLocalAdmin
258 TooLongDatabaseName
259 TooLongMG
260 UnableToNavogateFolderOnRemoteServer
261 UncDataLogPath
262 UnsupportedSQL
263 UserNotSysAdmin
264 FaildToConnectAD
265 ScsmSameVersionInstalled
266 InvalidWebSiteName
267 InvCharInWebSiteName
268 TooLongWebSiteName
269 InvalidWebSitePort
270 WebSiteNameInUse
271 WebSitePortInUse
272 DWServerInstalled
273 SMServerInstalled
274 SMConsoleInstalled
275 SMPortalInstalled
276 IISNotConfigured
277 FailedToConnectToAD
278 SmAdminIsDomainAdministrators
279 InvalidRegisteredOwner
280 InvalidRegisteredOrganization
281 IIS7RoleNotEnable
282 Not64BitSetup
283 DatabaseSqlStoreNotFound
284 ScomUIInstalled
285 InvalidDatabaseName
286 InvalidCMDBVersion
287 UNCPathExpected
288 DataDirectoryDoesNotExist
289 AnalysisServicesNotInstalled
290 DuplicatedASDatabaseID
3010 SuccessfulNeedReboot