Release Notes for System Center 2012 - Unified Installer
Updated: May 13, 2016
Applies To: System Center 2012 - Unified Installer
Read these release notes before you use System Center 2012 – Unified Installer.
A "Logon Failure" Message is Displayed when Accessing SCUI.EXE Using Non-local Domain Credentials
A "Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect" message is displayed when attempting to start SCUI.EXE when the files are located on a file share for which non-local domain credentials are required.
WORKAROUND: Copy the Unified Installer files to a file share where local domain credentials are used.
"This program might not have installed correctly" Message Might Display when Attempting to Extract the Unified Installer on a Local Drive when Using Windows 7 SP1
When using a computer running Windows 7 SP1, if you copy the Unified Installer files (SC2012_UnifiedInstaller.exe) to the local hard drive and try to un-compress the files, the error message "The program might not have installed correctly" might display.
WORKAROUND 1: You can ignore the error message; the files will have uncompressed successfully.
WORKAROUND 2: Copy the Unified Installer files to a network share and un-compress the files without the error message.
DPM Installation Might Fail
System Center 2012 – Data Protection Manager (DPM) installation might fail as a result of an Active Directory trust or registration issue. This scenario is seen most commonly on virtual machines that are running from old snapshots or when the target computer is not properly registered with the local domain. The following error is generated at C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012\DPM\Logs:
[*** Mojito error was: CheckNetwokServiceFailed; -2147023108; WindowsAPI]
This issue is based on the following Windows operating system error code:
[0x800706FC (-2147023108) The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed]
WORKAROUND: The underlying Active Directory issue must be resolved to successfully complete installation of DPM on a target computer.
Preexisting Installations of SQL Server Might Cause Deployment to Fail
Unified Installer confirms existing server roles, features, and software. Configuration or access permissions to those objects are not confirmed. In cases in which Microsoft SQL Server has been preinstalled, the installer might fail because of dependencies on improper configuration and security. Deploying Unified Installer to servers that have preexisting SQL Server installations is not supported.
WORKAROUND: None at this time.
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