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The troubleshooting topics provide assistance with troubleshooting System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM). These topics assume that you have a basic understanding of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1, how it works, and why your organization uses virtual machines. You should also have a thorough understanding of how Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is deployed and managed in your organization. This includes an understanding of the mechanisms that your organization uses to configure and manage server workload settings.

If you need to troubleshoot Virtual Server 2005 or virtual machines, see the Virtual Server Operations Guide: Troubleshooting at (

VMM Troubleshooting includes the following areas:

Troubleshooting General Issues

Troubleshooting Installation Issues

Troubleshooting Agent Installation Issues

Troubleshooting "Not Responding" Status for a Host

Troubleshooting Reporting Issues

Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Issues

Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Conversion Issues

Troubleshooting Virtual Machine Statuses

Troubleshooting Database Issues in VMM

Troubleshooting Data Protection Issues

Troubleshooting Library Management Issues

Troubleshooting Self-Service Issues

Additional Resources