SMTP Protocol Extensions
The advanced queuing engine is not the only dispatcher of COM events in the SMTP service. The SMTP protocol engine is also a main dispatcher of COM events, specifically SMTP protocol events. The core SMTP protocol engine is responsible for all standard SMTP communication and handles most of the standard SMTP service extensions (that is, the Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (ESMTP) standard, as defined in RFC 821 and RFC 1869). Protocol events can be used to modify the SMTP protocol to add new ESMTP commands, or even to change the action of existing commands. Exchange Server 2003 uses these protocol events to implement Exchange-specific extended SMTP commands to communicate with other Exchange servers in the organization more efficiently than over standard SMTP.
You can verify that the extended SMTP commands for Exchange Server 2003 are loaded when you connect to the TCP port of your SMTP virtual server using telnet. As shown in the following figure, the server response indicates the features that the SMTP virtual server supports when you submit the EHLO command to initiate an ESMTP connection. The standard commands are listed when you submit a HELP command.
Standard and extended SMTP commands of Exchange Server 2003
The following table explains the SMTP features that the Exchange-extended SMTP service supports.
SMTP features supported in Exchange Server 2003
SMTP Server Response | Comments |
Indicates that the local SMTP virtual server supports eight-bit Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) messages. |
Signals that the local SMTP virtual server supports the SMTP authentication service extension. The additional information after the AUTH key word identifies the supported authentication mechanisms. |
An alternative to the DATA command, which takes two arguments. When an SMTP virtual server responds to the EHLO keyword with CHUNKING, the SMTP server is indicating that it supports the BDAT command and will accept messages in chunks. The first argument indicates the length of the binary data packet, so that the SMTP host does not have to continuously scan for the end of the data. The receiving server counts the bytes in the message and, when the message size equals the value sent by the BDAT command, the server assumes it received all the message data. The second argument indicates whether the data packet is the last packet in the current transmission. The second argument is optional. |
Indicates that the SMTP virtual server accepts messages that contains binary material without transport encoding by using a BODY parameter with a value of "BINARYMIME" with the MAIL command. When the SMTP server accepts a MAIL command with a BODY parameter of BINARYMIME, the server agrees to preserve all bits in each octet passed using the BDAT command. The BINARYMIME SMTP extension can only be used with CHUNKING. |
Sent by a remote host to initiate the transfer of message content. |
An ESMTP command that enables delivery status notifications as defined in Request for Comments (RFC) 1891. |
Sent by a client to signal the start of an ESMTP session. The server can identify its support for ESMTP commands in its response to EHLO (Figure 6.14). |
Indicates that the SMTP server provides enhanced error status codes. Text part of all SMTP status responses, other than the initial greeting and any response to HELO or EHLO, are prefaced with a status code as defined in RFC 1893. |
Sent by an SMTP server to request that the local virtual server send any e-mail messages that it has in the queue for the domains indicated in the ETRN command. |
Sent by a client to identify itself, usually with a domain name, and to signal the start of a standard SMTP session. |
Returns a list of SMTP commands that are supported by the SMTP virtual server in standard SMTP sessions (as opposed to ESMTP sessions). |
Identifies the start of a message transfer by identifying the sender of the message; used in the form MAIL FROM. |
Provides the ability to send a stream of commands without having to wait for a response after each command. |
Signals the end of a standard or extended SMTP session. |
Identifies the message recipients; used in the form RCPT TO. |
Nullifies the entire message transaction and resets the buffer. |
Provides a mechanism by which the SMTP virtual server can indicate the maximum supported message size. Compliant servers must provide size extensions to indicate the maximum message size that can be accepted. Remote hosts should not send messages that are larger than the size indicated by the server. |
Indicates that the SMTP server supports secure SMTP over Transport Layer Security (TLS). The SMTP service extension for secure SMTP over TLS is defined in RFC 2487. |
Allows a remote host and the local host to switch roles and send mail in the reverse direction, without establishing a new connection. |
Verifies that a mailbox is available for message delivery. For example, VRFY TED verifies that a mailbox for Ted resides on the local server. By default, this command is available in Exchange 2003, but does not verify users. The server will inform the remote host that, although the user cannot be verified, messages will be accepted. The server response has the following format: 252 2.1.5 Cannot VRFY user, but will take message for <> |
Provides the ability to send extended message transport envelope properties in Message Database Encoding Format (MDBEF) format during an Exchange Server 2003 server-to-server communication. |
X-EXPS is a command that is proprietary to Exchange. It is similar to AUTH, because it indicates the methods that can be used by servers running Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server to authenticate, as follows:
Adds support for link state propagation to the SMTP service. For details about the link state algorithm used to propagate link state information within and between routing groups, see Message Routing Architecture. |
All Exchange-specific SMTP commands start with "X-" (without the quotation marks). If these commands are not listed in the EHLO response of your SMTP virtual server, then the server is running the Windows Server 2003 base version of the SMTP service. In this case, you must reinstall Exchange Server 2003 and any Service Packs.
Protocol Event Categories
The SMTP protocol engine triggers protocol events to control the host-to-host communication. There are three main types of events that can occur in such a communication over SMTP:
The SMTP service receives an SMTP command These events occur when a remote SMTP host or client connects to the local SMTP service and establishes a session by sending the HELO or EHLO command. Events in this category are SMTP Protocol OnInboundCommand events on incoming connections.
The SMTP service receives an SMTP response These events occur when the local SMTP service receives responses from a remote SMTP host or client to outbound SMTP commands. Events in this category are SMTP protocol OnServerResponse events on outbound connections.
The SMTP service sends an SMTP command These events occur when the local SMTP service connects to a remote SMTP host and establishes a session to transfer messages. Events in this category are SMTP protocol OnSessionBegin, OnMessageStart, OnPerRecipient, OnBeforeData, and OnSessionEnd events on outbound connections.
The following table summarizes the purpose of each SMTP protocol event.
Protocol events in the SMTP service
Event | Comments |
OnInboundCommand |
Occurs when an SMTP command is received by the SMTP protocol service, which gives an event sink an opportunity to respond. |
OnServerResponse |
Occurs when the SMTP service receives an SMTP response to a previously sent SMTP command. |
OnSessionBegin |
Occurs before the EHLO command is transmitted. |
OnMessageStart |
Occurs before the MAIL FROM command is transmitted. |
OnPerRecipient |
Occurs before the RCPT TO command is transmitted. |
OnBeforeData |
Occurs before the DATA protocol command is transmitted. |
OnSessionEnd |
Occurs before the QUIT command is transmitted. |
Exchange-Specific SMTP Protocol Extensions
The Exchange Server 2003 Setup program registers Exchange-specific SMTP protocol extensions for the following SMTP protocol features:
XEXCH50 This feature is implemented using nine event sinks to support a full communication between two servers running Exchange Server. The following table maps the protocol events to their XEXCH50 event sinks. All XEXCH50 sinks are implemented in peexch50.dll, which resides in the \Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin directory.
Protocol extensions for the XEXCH50 command
Event sink Protocol event Comments Exchange SMTP Protocol XEXCH50 Before Data Sink
Notifies the XEXCH50 sink that the DATA protocol command is about to be transmitted. The XEXCH50 sink now has the opportunity to request the SMTP service to send an XEXCH50 command instead to start an XEXCH50 communication.
Exchange SMTP Protocol XEXCH50 Inbound EHLO Sink
Notifies the XEXCH50 sink that an EHLO command was received.
Exchange SMTP Protocol XEXCH50 Inbound XEXCH50 Sink
Implements the XEXCH50 command to start an XEXCH50 conversation.
Exchange SMTP Protocol XEXCH50 Inbound MAIL Sink
Implements the MAIL command in an XEXCH50 conversation.
Exchange SMTP Protocol XEXCH50 Inbound RCPT Sink
Enables the local SMTP virtual server to receive recipient information in an incoming XEXCH50 communication.
Exchange SMTP Protocol XEXCH50 Per Recipient Event Sink
Enables the local SMTP virtual server to send recipient information in an outgoing XEXCH50 communication.
Exchange SMTP Protocol XEXCH50 Ehlo Response Sink
Enables the local SMTP virtual server to receive a response after an EHLO command is sent to the remote host. The response from the remote host might indicate support for XEXCH50 communications. Exchange includes XEXCH50 in the list of supported commands that are returned to the connecting host (Figure 6.14).
Exchange SMTP Protocol XEXCH50 Response Sink
Enables the local SMTP virtual server to receive a response to a previously issued outbound XEXCH50 command. For example, if the local SMTP service issued an XEXCH50 command without prior authentication, the remote server responds with: 504 Need to authenticate first.
Exchange SMTP Protocol XEXCH50 RCPT Response Sink
Enables the local SMTP virtual server to receive status information from the remote Exchange server for each recipient indicated with an outbound RCPT command. A recipient address might be incorrectly formatted or the server might be unable to relay. If the recipient information is correct, the remote SMTP virtual server reflects the address back to the local SMTP service with status information, such as: 250 2.1.5
**X-LINK2STATE **This feature is implemented using five event sinks. However, one event sink is used for two separate events, as indicated in the following table. All X-LINK2STATE event sinks are implemented in Xlsasink.dll in the \Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin directory.
Protocol extensions for the X-LINK2STATE command
Event sink Protocol event Comments EHLO Inbound Command Handler Sink for XLSA
Notifies the X-LINK2STATE event sinks that an incoming EHLO command was received.
X-LSA Inbound Command Handler Sink
Notifies the X-LINK2STATE event sinks that an incoming X-LINK2STATE command was received.
X-LSA Sink
OnMessageStart, OnSessionEnd
Signals the start (MAIL command) and end (QUIT command) of an outbound X-LINK2STATE communication. Because the remote SMTP virtual server is the ultimate recipient of the Orginfo packet being transmitted, there is no need to specify recipients in an outbound RCPT command. This event sink transmits the link state information.
X-LSA Response Handler Sink
Responds to an incoming X-LINK2STATE command with information about how to transmit the link state information. An example of a response is: 200 LAST CHUNK={00000029} MULTI (5) ({00000010} DONE_RESPONSE), which indicates the last chunk of data sent by this SMTP virtual server.
EHLO Response Handler Sink for X-LSA
Responds to an incoming EHLO command by listing the X-LINK2STATE command in the server response.
X-EXPS These features are implemented using five event sinks, as listed in the following table. All protocol security extensions are implemented in Exps.dll in the \Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin directory.
X-EXPS protocol security extensions
Event sink Protocol event Comments Exchange SMTP Protocol Security EXPS-EOD Sink
Signals the end of data transfer ( _EOD).
Exchange SMTP Protocol Security EXPS-Aux Sink
Signals an incoming AUTH command.
Exchange SMTP Protocol Security EHLO Sink
OnInboundCommand, OnServerResponse
Signals an incoming EHLO command and responds to EHLO by listing the X-EXPS command in the server response.
Exchange SMTP Protocol Security Mail Sink
OnInboundCommand, OnServerResponse, OnMessageStart
Indicates the start of data transfer. This event sink is implemented for all relevant MAIL command scenarios. This event sink processes events that signal an incoming MAIL command, respond to an incoming MAIL command, and can issue an outbound MAIL command.
Exchange SMTP Protocol Security EXPS Sink
OnInboundCommand, OnServerResponse, OnSessionStart
Indicates the start of an X-EXPS session. This event sink is implemented for all relevant X-EXPS command scenarios. This event sink processes events that signal an incoming X-EXPS command, respond to an incoming X-EXPS command, and can issue an outbound X-EXPS command.
SPAM Control This feature is implemented using three event sinks that process sender and recipient information on incoming SMTP connections, as listed in the following table. The spam control event sinks are implemented in Turflist.dll in the \Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin directory.
Spam control SMTP extensions
Event sink Protocol event Comments RCPT Inbound Command Handler Sink
Signals an inbound RCPT command with a recipient address that should be checked.
MAIL Inbound Command Handler Sink for TURF
Signals an inbound MAIL command with a sender address that should be checked.
EOD Inbound Command Handler Sink
Signals an inbound _EOD command.
For More Information
For complete information about SMTP, see SMTP Server.