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Exchange Resource Manager Web Service

This section contains public methods of the Exchange Resource Manager Namespace that are exposed in the Web Service. The methods exposed in the Web Service map directly to Exchange Resource Manager named procedures.

Exchange Resource Manager Namespace Web Services provides you with an easy way to integrate Exchange resource management functionality into .NET applications. For further information about the Exchange Resource Manager Namespace, see Exchange Resource Manager Namespace API .

The Exchange Resource Manager Web Services contains named procedures for tracking Exchange resources. The procedures fall into the following categories:

  • Adding and removing resources.

  • Querying resources.

  • Allocating and deallocating resources.

The sections that follow describe the procedures in these categories

Public Methods

Public Method Description

Exchange Resource Manager::AddExchangeResources

Adds public store and mail store resources to Exchange Resource Manager.

Exchange Resource Manager::RemoveExchangeResources

Removes public store and mail store resources from Exchange Resource Manager. This call is restricted to Domain Admins.

Exchange Resource Manager::ModifyExchangeResources

Modifies public store and mail store resources in Exchange Resource Manager. This call is restricted to Domain Admins.

Exchange Resource Manager::QueryAllStores

Returns all Exchange resources in the Resource Manager system including the total storage megabytes and the free storage megabytes

Exchange Resource Manager::QueryResourcesByOrganization

Returns all Exchange resources in use by a particular owning organization.

Exchange Resource Manager::QueryConsumersByOrganization

Returns all of the consumers of the Exchange resources of a particular owning organization.

Exchange Resource Manager::QueryAllOrganizations

Returns all of the organizations that have had Exchange resources allocated to them.

Exchange Resource Manager::QueryOrganizationsByMailstore

Returns all of the organizations that have had Exchange resources allocated to them on a specified mail store.

Exchange Resource Manager::QueryOrganizationsByPublicstore

Returns all of the organizations that have had Exchange resources allocated to them on a specified public store.

Exchange Resource Manager::ReallocateOrganizationPublic

Changes the amount of public folder storage that an organization is permitted to use. This procedure will fail if there is insufficient room in the organization's current public folder store for the requested new storage.

Exchange Resource Manager::ReallocateOrganizationMailNoMove

Changes the amount of mail storage that an organization is permitted to use. This procedure will fail if there is insufficient room in the system for the requested new storage, or if any explicitly requested mail store is unavailable.

Exchange Resource Manager::ReallocatePublicFolder

Changes the storage allocation for a public folder. This storage is allocated from the pool owned by the owning organization.

Applies To

Web Services API for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.0