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This procedure adds, modifies, or removes permissions to the list for the specified collection of existing users, groups, and/or roles.


Input Arguments Required Description



The URL of the Windows SharePoint Services administration site.



The globally unique identifier (GUID) of Windows SharePoint Services site collection.



The GUID of sub site.

<name >


A string that contains the name of the list.



The collection of permissions.


  • This procedure supports rollback.

  • Permissions which do not correspond to standard Windows SharePoint Services permissions may provoke unpredictable errors from Windows SharePoint Services.

  • This method overwrites the existing permissions with the ones specified in the permissions node.

  • This method does not break permission inheritance automatically. To successfully set permissions on a list the list must first be set to not inherit permissions.

Sample Code

Example XML Request

      <execute namespace="SharePoint2007Provider" procedure="SetListPermissions" impersonate="1"> 
                  <user loginName="Fabrikam\Administrator" roleBindings="Administrator" /> 
                  <group groupName="SPNSTestGroup" roleBindings="Administrator" /> 

Applies To

SharePoint 2007 Provider for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0