Locking and Unlocking a User Desktop
A user desktop may be locked for security reasons either by setting an automatic screen lock that is initiated with the screensaver after a set period of inactivity, or by manually choosing to lock the computer. Once the computer screen lock is invoked, access to the computer will only be allowed to the user whose account is currently logged on to the computer or by an authorized administrator.
Users may set an automatic screen lock on a workstation by setting screensaver based screen lock as follows:
Right click on the user desktop and select Properties. The Display Properties window will appear.
Click on the Screen Saver tab.
Select a screen saver from the Screen Saver drop down menu.
Enter the number of minutes of inactivity that the system must wait before initiating the screen saver in the Wait: dialog box.
Select the Password Protected box.
Click OK to set the password protected screen saver.
Users may manually initiate a screen lock as follows:
Simultaneously press the Ctrl-Alt-Del buttons. This will invoke the trusted path function an present the Windows Security interface.
Click on the Lock Computer button.
This will lock the users desktop, as indicated by the Computer Locked window.
A user can unlock the screen as follows:
Simultaneously press the Ctrl-Alt-Del buttons. This will invoke the trusted path function an present a login interface to unlock the computer.
Enter the account name of the currently logged on user and the associated password.
Click OK to unlock the computer screen.
In the event emergency access is required to a user desktop that has been locked by either a screensaver based password lock or through a user-initiated action, an authorized administrator may unlock the computer screen as follows:
Simultaneously press the Ctrl-Alt-Del buttons. This will invoke the trusted path function an present a login interface to unlock the computer.
Enter the authorized administrator's account name and password and click OK.
A Windows Message will appear, warning that the current user will be logged off and any unsaved work will be lost. Click OK to log the current user off.
The current user gets logged off and the administrator or another authorized user may now log into the computer.