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Managed Data Hosting Web Service

This section contains public methods of the Managed Data Hosting Namespace that are exposed in the Web Service. The Web methods of the Managed Data Hosting Namespace that are exposed in the Web Service as Web methods of the Windows-based Hosting Namespace are not duplicated in this listing. For descriptions of these methods see Managed Windows-based Hosting Web Service. The methods exposed in the Web Service map directly to Managed Data Hosting named procedures.

Public Methods

Public Method Description

Managed Data Hosting::BackupCustomerDbToDisk

Performs a full backup of a specified database to disk. Simple pass-through method to the SQL Admin Provider with an additional security check.

Managed Data Hosting::RestoreCustomerDbFromDisk

Performs a full restore of a specified database from disk. Simple pass-through method to the SQL Admin Provider with an additional security check.

Managed Data Hosting::QueryDatabaseByCustomer

Returns a listing of databases for a Customer organizationalUnit.

Managed Data Hosting::ConfigureSQLServerForDelegation

Allows configuration of a specified Web server for delegated administration.

Managed Data Hosting::DeconfigureSQLServerForDelegation

Removes configuration of a specified Web server for delegated administration.

Applies To

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.0

  • Windows-based Hosting version 4.5

  • Windows-based Hosting version 4.0

  • Windows-based Hosting version 3.5

  • Windows-based Hosting for Applications version 1.0