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Firewall policy filter

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

Start a search by entering space-separated search tokens in the search edit box, and press ENTER. The search tokens are case insensitive and follow an AND logic, that is, token1 AND token2 AND, and so on. Use single or double quotes to create queries that include spaces and quotes. End the search by clicking the ‘x’ to the right of the search box, or by pressing ESC.

Search Token Description Examples

Free Text

Any free text. If you use free text, the search result contains all the matches in text-based properties, as well as matches in non-text properties defined as “searchable”.

“default rule” finds the rules containing this string.

Default rule finds the rules containing the word default and the word rule. For example, a rule containing a listener with the following description: Many rules, all defaulted to this listener.


The Name is a column name or a distinct UI property (e.g. Content Type) in the Firewall Policy node of the Forefront TMG Management console. The Value is one of the allowed values for this Name.

The result of the search contains all the matches within the available values of Name, including values of implied sub-properties.

From:Internal To:External Protocol:HTTP finds the rules that provide Web access.

Action:Allow Condition:"All Users" Listener:MyListener finds the rules allowing access to all users via a Web listener named MyListener.


The Property is a COM property name as defined in the Forefront TMG SDK. The Value is one of the allowed values for this Property.

The result of the search contains all the matches within the available values of Property, including values of implied sub-properties.

Type:fpcPolicyRuleAccess finds the access rules.

SourceSelectionIPs:Internal DestinationSelectionIPs:External SpecifiedProtocols:HTTP finds the same rules that From:Internal To:External Protocol:HTTP finds.


  • Regular expressions (including wildcard characters) are not currently supported.

  • Name, Property, and/or Value substrings may be entered. However, if you enter the localized version of Name there is no support for substrings and you must enter the entire string.