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"The company calendar couldn't be retrieved from the source system" error in Microsoft Management Reporter

This article provides resolutions for the error that may occur when you set a company as default in Microsoft Management Reporter for Dynamics SL.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011
Original KB number:   2674289


When you set a company as default in Microsoft Management Reporter for Dynamics SL, you receive the following error message:

The company calendar couldn't be retrieved from the source system.


Cause 1

There is a bug in the SL data provider with having a leap year. See Resolution 1.

Cause 2

The company has no posted transactions. See Resolution 2.

Resolution 1

This bug is fixed with Management Reporter SL SP1 data provider that is installed as part of the Dynamics SL 2011 SP1 update.

  1. Browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics ERP\Management Reporter\2.0\Providers\SL.

  2. Verify the version of the SL Data Provider .dll

  3. For Dynamics SL 2011 Version 8.00.20321.00, run the following SQL select statement against the SL Application database.

    SELECT pernbr, RetEarnAcct, FiscalPerEnd00, FiscalPerEnd01, FiscalPerEnd02, FiscalPerEnd03, 
    FiscalPerEnd04, FiscalPerEnd05, FiscalPerEnd06, FiscalPerEnd07, FiscalPerEnd08, FiscalPerEnd09, FiscalPerEnd10, FiscalPerEnd11, FiscalPerEnd12, 
    BaseCuryId, NbrPer, PerNbr, BegFiscalYr FROM .dbo.GLSetup where FiscalPerEnd00 > '0'
    • If a date of 0229 exists in any of the FiscalPerEnd columns log on to Dynamics SL and update the Period to 0228.
    • This can be changed back to 0229 as soon as SL SP1 with MR SL SP1 data provider is applied.
  4. For Dynamics SL 2011 SP1 Version 8.01.21108.01, run the following SQL select statement against the SL Application database to validate transaction dates.

    SELECT fiscal_year from .dbo.vw_gltran union select fiscal_year from .dbo.vw_accthist order by fiscal_year 
  5. If any years are returned that are incorrect or not in order, the transactions that have those bad dates must be deleted or corrected. The following select statement can be used to help find the problem transactions. The PerPost column is slightly past mid-way through the table.

    SELECT * from gltran order by perpost

Resolution 2

Run the following statement:

SELECT fiscal_year from .dbo.vw_gltran union select fiscal_year from .dbo.vw_accthist order by fiscal_year 

If no data is returned, MR will be unable to create reports. You must post a transaction before reports can be created. Once transactions are posted, the gltran table will be updated with fiscal period information. MR will then be able to read the periods and create a report.