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Visual Basic: MSComm Control

MSComm Control Example

The following simple example shows basic serial communications using a modem:

  Private Sub Form_Load ()
   ' Buffer to hold input string
   Dim Instring As String
   ' Use COM1.
   MSComm1.CommPort = 1
   ' 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data, and 1 stop bit.
   MSComm1.Settings = "9600,N,8,1"
   ' Tell the control to read entire buffer when Input
   ' is used.
   MSComm1.InputLen = 0
   ' Open the port.
   MSComm1.PortOpen = True
   ' Send the attention command to the modem.
   MSComm1.Output = "ATV1Q0" & Chr$(13) ' Ensure that 
   ' the modem responds with "OK".
   ' Wait for data to come back to the serial port.
   Buffer$ = Buffer$ & MSComm1.Input
   Loop Until InStr(Buffer$, "OK" & vbCRLF)
   ' Read the "OK" response data in the serial port.
   ' Close the serial port.
   MSComm1.PortOpen = False
End Sub

Note   The MSComm control can use polling or an event-driven method to retrieve data from the port. This simple example uses the polling method. For an example of the event-driven method, see help for the OnComm event.