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Website views

In Microsoft Expression Web, you can look at the content in your website in four different Web Site Views to help you design, publish, and manage it. The default view is Folders.

Web Site view options

  • Folders
    A list of the folders and pages in your website. You can use this list to navigate through your website to find files and folders.

  • Remote Web Site
    A list of the contents of the folders in your website in both source and destination sites. For more information, see Remote Web Site View.

  • Reports
    A quick overview of the statistics available about your website plus links to more detailed reports. For more information, see Site reports.

  • Hyperlinks
    A diagram of all files that link to a selected file or that are linked from a selected file. For more information, see Hyperlinks website view.

See also


Editing window overview

Hyperlinks website view

Remote website view

Site reports overview