Compiler Warning (level 2) C4396
"name" : the inline specifier cannot be used when a friend declaration refers to a specialization of a function template
A specialization of a function template cannot specify any of the inline specifiers. The compiler issues warning C4396 and ignores the inline specifier.
To correct this error
- Remove the inline, __inline, or __forceinline specifier from the friend function declaration.
The following code example shows an invalid friend function declaration with an inline specifier.
// C4396.cpp
// compile with: /W2 /c
class X;
template<class T> void Func(T t, int i);
class X {
friend inline void Func<char>(char t, int i); //C4396
// try the following line instead
// friend void Func<char>(char t, int i);
int i;