Map Class
[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]
Represents the map control.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Controls
Assembly: Microsoft.Phone.Maps (in Microsoft.Phone.Maps.dll)
<TemplatePartAttribute(Name := "PresentationContainer", Type := GetType(Border))> _
Public NotInheritable Class Map _
Inherits Control
[TemplatePartAttribute(Name = "PresentationContainer", Type = typeof(Border))]
public sealed class Map : Control
The Map type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Map | Initializes a new instance of the Map control. |
Name | Description | |
ActualHeight | Gets the rendered height of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
ActualPitch | Gets the actual pitch of the Map. | |
ActualWidth | Gets the rendered width of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
AllowDrop | Gets or sets a value that determines whether this UIElement can be a drop target for purposes of drag-and-drop operations. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
Background | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BorderBrush | (Inherited from Control.) | |
BorderThickness | (Inherited from Control.) | |
CacheMode | Gets or sets a value that indicates that rendered content should be cached when possible. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
CartographicMode | Gets or sets the type of the Map – for example, a road map or an aerial map. | |
Center | Gets or sets the location of the center of the Map. | |
CharacterSpacing | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Clip | Gets or sets the Geometry used to define the outline of the contents of a UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
ColorMode | Gets or sets the color mode of the Map – for example, light or dark. | |
Cursor | Infrastructure. Gets or sets the cursor image that displays while the pointer is over a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
DataContext | Gets or sets the data context for a FrameworkElement when it participates in data binding. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
DefaultStyleKey | (Inherited from Control.) | |
DesiredSize | Gets the size that this UIElement computed during the measure pass of the layout process. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
Dispatcher | Gets the Dispatcher this object is associated with. (Inherited from DependencyObject.) | |
FlowDirection | Gets or sets the direction that text and other user interface elements flow within any parent element that controls their layout. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
FontFamily | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontSize | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontStretch | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontStyle | (Inherited from Control.) | |
FontWeight | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Foreground | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Heading | Gets or sets the directional heading of the Map in degrees, where 0 or 360 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, and 270 = West. | |
Height | Gets or sets the suggested height of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
HorizontalAlignment | Gets or sets the horizontal alignment characteristics that are applied to a FrameworkElement when it is composed in a layout parent, such as a panel or items control. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
HorizontalContentAlignment | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsEnabled | (Inherited from Control.) | |
IsHitTestVisible | Gets or sets whether the contained area of this UIElement can return true values for hit testing. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsTabStop | (Inherited from Control.) | |
LandmarksEnabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether 3D buildings are displayed on the Map. | |
Language | Gets or sets localization/globalization language information that applies to a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Layers | Gets the collection of MapLayer objects that are children of the Map control. | |
MapElements | Gets the collection of MapElement objects that are children of the map control. | |
Margin | Gets or sets the outer margin of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
MaxHeight | Gets or sets the maximum height constraint of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
MaxWidth | Gets or sets the maximum width constraint of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
MinHeight | Gets or sets the minimum height constraint of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
MinWidth | Gets or sets the minimum width constraint of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Name | Gets or sets the identifying name of the object. When a XAML processor creates the object tree from XAML markup, run-time code can refer to the XAML-declared object by this name. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Opacity | Gets or sets the degree of the object's opacity. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
OpacityMask | Gets or sets the brush used to alter the opacity of regions of this object. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
Padding | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Parent | Gets the parent object of this FrameworkElement in the object tree. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
PedestrianFeaturesEnabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether pedestrian features such as public stairs are displayed on the Map. | |
Pitch | Gets or sets a value between 0 and 180 that indicates by how many degrees the Map is tilted. | |
Projection | Gets or sets the perspective projection (3-D effect) to apply when rendering this UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
RenderSize | Gets the final render size of a UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
RenderTransform | Gets or sets transform information that affects the rendering position of a UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
RenderTransformOrigin | Gets or sets the origin point of any possible render transform declared by RenderTransform, relative to the bounds of the UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
Resources | Gets the locally defined resource dictionary. In XAML, you can establish resource items as child object elements of a frameworkElement.Resources property element, through XAML implicit collection syntax. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Style | Gets or sets an instance Style that is applied for this object during rendering. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
TabIndex | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TabNavigation | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Tag | Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this object. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Template | (Inherited from Control.) | |
TileSources | Gets the collection of tile layers of the Map. | |
TransformCenter | Gets or sets a point to which the logical center of the Map is transformed. | |
Triggers | Gets the collection of triggers for animations that are defined for a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
UniqueId | Gets the unique ID of the instance of the Map control. | |
UseLayoutRounding | Gets or sets a value that determines whether rendering for the object and its visual subtree should use rounding behavior that aligns rendering to whole pixels. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
UseOptimizedManipulationRouting | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the system should handle input events or whether the FrameworkElement should handle input events. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
VerticalAlignment | Gets or sets the vertical alignment characteristics that are applied to a FrameworkElement when it is composed in a parent object such as a panel or items control. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
VerticalContentAlignment | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Visibility | Gets or sets the visibility of a UIElement. A UIElement that is not visible does not render and does not communicate its desired size to layout. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
WatermarkMode | Gets or sets a value that determines when the watermark of the Map is displayed. | |
Width | Gets or sets the width of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
ZoomLevel | Gets or sets the zoom level of the Map, which is a value between 1 and 20. |
Name | Description | |
AddHandler | Adds a routed event handler for a specified routed event, adding the handler to the handler collection on the current element. Specify handledEventsToo as true to have the provided handler be invoked for routed event that had already been marked as handled by another element along the event route. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
AddRoute | Displays the specified route on the Map. | |
ApplyTemplate | (Inherited from Control.) | |
Arrange | Positions child objects and determines a size for a UIElement. Parent objects that implement custom layout for their child elements should call this method from their layout override implementations to form a recursive layout update. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
ArrangeOverride | Provides the behavior for the Arrange pass of Windows Phone layout. Classes can override this method to define their own Arrange pass behavior. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
CaptureMouse | Sets touch capture to a UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
CheckAccess | Determines whether the calling thread has access to this object. (Inherited from DependencyObject.) | |
ClearValue | Clears the local value of a dependency property. (Inherited from DependencyObject.) | |
ConvertGeoCoordinateToViewportPoint | Converts the specified GeoCoordinate to the corresponding point in the viewport of the Map control. | |
ConvertViewportPointToGeoCoordinate | Converts the specified point in the viewport of the Map control to a GeoCoordinate. | |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
FindName | Retrieves an object that has the specified identifier name. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Focus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetAnimationBaseValue | Returns any base value established for a Windows Phone dependency property, which would apply in cases where an animation is not active. (Inherited from DependencyObject.) | |
GetBindingExpression | Retrieves the BindingExpression for a dependency property where a binding is established. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetMapElementsAt | Retrieves the list of MapElement objects at the specified point in the viewport of the Map control. | |
GetTemplateChild | (Inherited from Control.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetValue | Returns the current effective value of a dependency property from a DependencyObject. (Inherited from DependencyObject.) | |
InvalidateArrange | Invalidates the arrange state (layout) for a UIElement. After the invalidation, the UIElement will have its layout updated, which will occur asynchronously. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
InvalidateMeasure | Invalidates the measurement state (layout) for a UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
Measure | Updates the DesiredSize of a UIElement. Typically, objects that implement custom layout for their layout children call this method from their own MeasureOverride implementations to form a recursive layout update. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
MeasureOverride | Provides the behavior for the Measure pass of Windows Phone layout. Classes can override this method to define their own Measure pass behavior. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
OnApplyTemplate | Builds the visual tree for the Map control when a new template is applied. (Overrides FrameworkElement..::.OnApplyTemplate()()().) | |
OnCreateAutomationPeer | When implemented in a derived class, returns class-specific AutomationPeer implementations for the Windows Phone automation infrastructure. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
OnDoubleTap | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnDragEnter | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnDragLeave | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnDragOver | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnDrop | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnGotFocus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnHold | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnKeyDown | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnKeyUp | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnLostFocus | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnLostMouseCapture | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnManipulationCompleted | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnManipulationDelta | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnManipulationStarted | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseEnter | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseLeave | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseLeftButtonDown | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseLeftButtonUp | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseMove | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseRightButtonDown | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseRightButtonUp | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnMouseWheel | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTap | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTextInput | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTextInputStart | (Inherited from Control.) | |
OnTextInputUpdate | (Inherited from Control.) | |
ReadLocalValue | Returns the local value of a dependency property, if a local value is set. (Inherited from DependencyObject.) | |
ReleaseMouseCapture | Removes touch capture from a UIElement. After this call, typically no object holds touch capture. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
RemoveHandler | Removes the specified routed event handler from this UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
RemoveRoute | Removes the specified route from the Map. | |
SetBinding | Attaches a binding to a FrameworkElement, using the provided binding object, and returns a BindingExpressionBase for possible later use. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
SetValue | Sets the local value of a dependency property on a DependencyObject. (Inherited from DependencyObject.) | |
SetView(LocationRectangle) | Sets the map view to the specified geographical region. | |
SetView(GeoCoordinate, Double) | Sets the map view using the specified center and zoom level. | |
SetView(LocationRectangle, MapAnimationKind) | Sets the map view to the specified geographical region. The view change uses the specified animation. | |
SetView(LocationRectangle, Thickness) | Sets the map view to the specified geographical region with the specified margin. | |
SetView(GeoCoordinate, Double, MapAnimationKind) | Sets the map view using the specified center and zoom level. The view change uses the specified animation. | |
SetView(GeoCoordinate, Double, Double) | Sets the map view using the specified center, zoom level, and heading. | |
SetView(LocationRectangle, Thickness, MapAnimationKind) | Sets the map view to the specified geographical region with the specified margin. The view change uses the specified animation. | |
SetView(GeoCoordinate, Double, Double, MapAnimationKind) | Sets the map view using the specified center, zoom level, and heading. The view change uses the specified animation. | |
SetView(GeoCoordinate, Double, Double, Double) | Sets the map view using the specified center, zoom level, heading, and pitch. | |
SetView(GeoCoordinate, Double, Double, Double, MapAnimationKind) | Sets the map view using the specified center, zoom level, heading, and pitch. The view change uses the specified animation. | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
TransformToVisual | Returns a transform object that can be used to transform coordinates from the UIElement to the specified object. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
UpdateLayout | Ensures that all positions of child objects of a UIElement are properly updated for layout. (Inherited from UIElement.) |
Name | Description | |
BindingValidationError | Occurs when a data validation error is reported by a binding source. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
CartographicModeChanged | Occurs when the CartographicMode property of the Map control changes – for example, from a road map to an aerial map. | |
CenterChanged | Occurs when the Center property of the Map control changes. | |
ColorModeChanged | Occurs when the ColorMode property of the Map control changes – for example, from light to dark. | |
DoubleTap | Occurs when a DoubleTap gesture is committed while over this UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
GotFocus | Occurs when a UIElement receives focus. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
HeadingChanged | Occurs when the Heading property of the Map control changes. | |
Hold | Occurs when a Hold gesture is committed while over this UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
IsEnabledChanged | (Inherited from Control.) | |
KeyDown | Occurs when a keyboard key is pressed while the UIElement has focus. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
KeyUp | Occurs when a keyboard key is released while the UIElement has focus. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
LandmarksEnabledChanged | Occurs when the LandmarksEnabled property of the Map control changes. | |
LayoutUpdated | Occurs when the layout of the Windows Phone visual tree changes. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Loaded | Occurs when a FrameworkElement has been constructed and added to the object tree. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
LostFocus | Occurs when a UIElement loses focus. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
LostMouseCapture | Occurs when the UIElement loses touch capture. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
ManipulationCompleted | Occurs when a manipulation and inertia on the UIElement is complete. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
ManipulationDelta | Occurs when the input device changes position during a manipulation. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
ManipulationStarted | Occurs when an input device begins a manipulation on the UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
MouseEnter | Occurs when a screen tap occurs within the bounding area of a UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
MouseLeave | Occurs when a touch event occurs outside the bounding area of a UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
MouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when a UIElement is tapped. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
MouseLeftButtonUp | Occurs when the finger is lifted off of a UIElement (or while a UIElement holds touch capture). (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
MouseMove | Occurs when the coordinate position of the finger on the screen while touching a UIElement (or while a UIElement holds touch capture). (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
MouseWheel | Infrastructure. Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over a UIElement, or the UIElement has focus. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
PedestrianFeaturesEnabledChanged | Occurs when the PedestrianFeaturesEnabled property of the Map control changes. | |
PitchChanged | Occurs when the Pitch property of the Map control changes. | |
ResolveCompleted | Occurs when the Map control enters the idle state. | |
SizeChanged | Occurs when either the ActualHeight or the ActualWidth properties change value on a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
Tap | Occurs when a Tap gesture is committed while over this UIElement. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
TextInput | Occurs when a UI element gets text in a device-independent manner. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
TextInputStart | Occurs when a UI element initially gets text in a device-independent manner. (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
TextInputUpdate | Occurs when text continues to be composed via an input method editor (IME). (Inherited from UIElement.) | |
TransformCenterChanged | Occurs when the TransformCenter property of the Map control changes. | |
Unloaded | Occurs when this object is no longer connected to the main object tree. (Inherited from FrameworkElement.) | |
ViewChanged | Occurs after the view of the Map control changes as a result of calling the SetView method. | |
ViewChanging | Occurs before the view of the Map control changes as a result of calling the SetView method. | |
ZoomLevelChanged | Occurs when the ZoomLevel property of the Map control changes. |
Name | Description | |
ActualPitchProperty | Identifies the ActualPitch dependency property. | |
CartographicModeProperty | Identifies the CartographicMode dependency property. | |
CenterProperty | Identifies the Center dependency property. | |
ColorModeProperty | Identifies the ColorMode dependency property. | |
HeadingProperty | Identifies the Heading dependency property. | |
LandmarksEnabledProperty | Identifies the LandmarksEnabled dependency property. | |
PedestrianFeaturesEnabledProperty | Identifies the PedestrianFeaturesEnabled dependency property. | |
PitchProperty | Identifies the Pitch dependency property. | |
TransformCenterProperty | Identifies the TransformCenter dependency property. | |
WatermarkModeProperty | Identifies the WatermarkMode dependency property. | |
ZoomLevelProperty | Identifies the ZoomLevel dependency property. |
Use the Map control to display a map in a Windows Phone 8 app.
Important Note: |
Bing Maps control is supported in deprecated mode in Windows Phone 8. Use the Bing Map control only when you upgrade your app from Windows Phone OS 7.1 to Windows Phone 8. |
If you use this API in your app, you must specify the following capabilities in the app manifest. Otherwise, your app might not work correctly or it might exit unexpectedly.
Windows Phone 8 |
For more info, see App capabilities and hardware requirements for Windows Phone 8.
Version Information
Windows Phone OS
Supported in: 8.1, 8.0
Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
See Also
Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Controls Namespace
Other Resources
Map control design guidelines for Windows Phone
Maps and navigation for Windows Phone 8
How to add a Map control to a page in Windows Phone 8
How to add UIElements to a Map control in Windows Phone 8
How to display route and directions on a map in Windows Phone 8