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IFederationServer.LsRequestSecurityTokenWithCookie Method (Byte[], String, String[], RSTRResult)


Returns a security token when given a cookie token. This method is used when the logon server is not colocated and has received a cookie that was issued during a previous client authentication.

Namespace:   System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn
Assembly:  System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn (in System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn.dll)


void LsRequestSecurityTokenWithCookie(
    byte[] latToken,
    string targetRealmName,
    string[] authMethodUris,
    out RSTRResult rstr
void LsRequestSecurityTokenWithCookie(
    array<unsigned char>^ latToken,
    String^ targetRealmName,
    array<String^>^ authMethodUris,
    [OutAttribute] RSTRResult^% rstr
abstract LsRequestSecurityTokenWithCookie : 
        latToken:byte[] *
        targetRealmName:string *
        authMethodUris:string[] *
        rstr:RSTRResult byref -> unit
Sub LsRequestSecurityTokenWithCookie (
    latToken As Byte(),
    targetRealmName As String,
    authMethodUris As String(),
    <OutAttribute> ByRef rstr As RSTRResult


  • latToken
    Type: System.Byte[]

    The cookie token issued from a previous client authentication.

  • targetRealmName
    Type: System.String

    The name of the target realm for which the security token is being requested. This may be either a federation partner or a resource web server.

  • authMethodUris
    Type: System.String[]

    The URI identifying the auth method requested by the resource realm for authentication. If the signin request message did not contain the wauth query string parameter then this parameter should be null.

See Also

IFederationServer Interface
System.Web.Security.SingleSignOn Namespace

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