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DVD_CELL_PIECE (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure can contain the contents of one of the three different kinds of cell piece information:

  • Video manager menu cell piece information (VMGI_CPI)
  • Video title set cell piece information (VTS_CPI)
  • Video title set menu cell piece information (VTSM_CPI)
typedef struct {UINT16 vob_id;UINT8 c_idn;UINT32 start;UINT32 end;} DVD_CELL_PIECE, *PDVD_CELL_PIECE; 


  • vob_id
    VMGI_VOB_ID element of VMGI_CPI.

    The element names for VTS_CPI and VTSM_CPI are similar.

  • c_idn
    VMGI_C_IDN element of VMGI_CPI.

    The element names for VTS_CPI and VTSM_CPI are similar.

  • start
    VMGI_CP_SA element of VMGI_CPI.

    The element names for VTS_CPI and VTSM_CPI are similar.

  • end
    VMGI_CP_EA element of VMGI_CPI.

    The element names for VTS_CPI and VTSM_CPI are similar.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Dvdata.h, Dvdata.idl.

See Also

IEnumDVD_CELL_PIECE | IDVDDomain::GetCellPieceEnumerator | IDVDDomain::GetTotalVideoObjects

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