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IOsAxsGeneric::GetRoutineDataByAddress (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method returns the function-specific data, or PDATA, for a function at a specified address.

HRESULT GetRoutineDataByAddress(  ADDRESS_TYPEAddrCode,  ROUTINE_DATA*pPData,  IOsAxsModule **ppiModule);


  • AddrCode
    [in] Address of the code within the function that PData is needed for.
  • pPData
    [out] Pointer to ROUTINE_DATA entry.
  • ppiModule
    [out] Pointer to the IOsAxsModule object that contains the address.

Return Values

The following table shows the return values for this method.

Value Description
S_OK Indicates the function was successful.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Indicates an out of memory error.
E_ACCESSDENIED Indicates the specified object is no longer valid.
E_FAIL Indicates an unspecified failure.


OS Version: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: OsAccess.h.
Link Library: OSAXSC.lib.

See Also

IOsAxs Interfaces

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