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BillDispenser.AsyncResultCode Property


Gets the completion status of the last asynchronous dispense request.

Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService
Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService (in microsoft.pointofservice.dll)


Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property AsyncResultCode As Integer
public abstract int AsyncResultCode { get; }
virtual property int AsyncResultCode {
    int get () abstract;
/** @property */
public abstract int get_AsyncResultCode ()
public abstract function get AsyncResultCode () : int


Holds the completion status of the last asynchronous dispense request, that is, when the DispenseCash method was called with AsyncMode set to true.

This property is set before a StatusUpdateEvent event is delivered with a Status value of StatusAsync.

The value of AsyncResultCode is the same as the value that would have been set in the ErrorCode property, had the method been performed synchronously.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See Also


BillDispenser Class
BillDispenser Members
Microsoft.PointOfService Namespace
BillDispenser.AsyncMode Property
BillDispenser.DispenseCash Method