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Adding a Task to the Appliance Manager

Server Appliance Kit

This section describes the step-by-step procedure for creating an appliance task and associated task objects by adding a task to the Appliance Manager. Task definitions are stored in the registry beneath the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ServerAppliance\ApplianceManager\ObjectManagers\Microsoft_SA_Task\<MyTaskKey> registry key.

Task Definition Elements

The following table describes the key and the various values that comprise a task definition.

Value Type Description Example
MyTaskKey Key Unique string identifying a task. ChimeTask
TaskName String Name of the task. ChimeTask
CanDisable DWORD If set to 1, then this task can be disabled. 0x0
IsEnabled DWORD If set to 1, then this task is enabled and will be run. If set to 0 and CanDisable is set to 1, then this task will not be run. 0x1
IsSingleton DWORD Optional. For asynchronous tasks, if this value is set to 1, then only a single instance of this task will be run at any given time. If this value is set to 1 while there is an instance of the task executing, and if something else tries to execute the same task, the second instance of the task will fail with the E_FAIL error code. 0x0
RestartAction DWORD Optional. If set to 1, then this task will be automatically restarted if the operating system is restarted before the task is complete.

If this value name is not present, or if it is set to 0x0, then the task will not be restarted automatically.

TaskExecuTABLE="100%"s String List of PROGIDs, delimited by a space. One entry per task COM object. ChimeTask.CChimeTask.1