Assigning User-Specific Permissions (Windows CE 5.0)

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You can specify the home directory as well as the permissions in that directory for each user account that has been created on your Windows CE-based device using the NTLMSetUserInfo function.

The home directory specifies the physical path on the device's file system, to which the user is restricted to after logging onto the device. You can use the Web-based network configuration utility to assign user permissions. If no permissions are assigned to the user, an authenticated user has full permissions on the device.

The following table shows the permissions you can assign to a user.

Permission Description
Write Enables the user to upload files to the server, as well as rename and delete files on the server.
Vroots Enables the user to view and navigate to the virtual roots that were created on the device for the FTP server.
Hidden Files Enables the user to view the system files and hidden files on the FTP server.

For more information about how the FTP server uses user permissions and user home directories, navigate to the FTP server code sample that is located in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Servers\SDK\Samples\FTPD directory.

See Also

FTP Server Application Development | FTP Server Authentication | Authentication Services | NTLMSetUserInfoFTP

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