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This property contains the state of the content source.

Compatibility: Windows Media Player

[ lState = ] MediaPlayer.OpenState


  • lState
    Long value indicating the state of the content source. It can have one of the following possible values.

    Value Visual Basic constant Description
    0 nsClosed Content file is closed.
    1 nsLoadingASX Loading an Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file.
    2 nsLoadingNSC Loading an .nsc station file.
    3 nsLocating Locating the server.
    4 nsConnecting Connecting to the server.
    5 nsOpening Opening or listening for the stream.
    6 nsOpen Content file is open.

    This property is read-only.


Retrieve this property to determine the status of a request to open a clip.

If the value of the SendOpenStateChangeEvents property is true, Windows Media Player control fires an OpenStateChange event each time the OpenState property changes.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.

See Also

Windows Media Player Properties | Compatibility Modes | Monitoring Stream Status and Network Reception | OpenStateChange | SendOpenStateChangeEvents

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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