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WHSInfoClass.AddNotification Method

Adds a notification to the Windows Home Server notification infrastructure.

Namespace: Microsoft.HomeServer.SDK.Interop.v1
Assembly: Microsoft.HomeServer.SDK.Interop.v1 (in microsoft.homeserver.sdk.interop.v1.dll)



Public Overridable Sub AddNotification ( _
    <InAttribute> UniqueID As String, _
    <InAttribute> State As WHS_Notification_Severity, _
    <InAttribute> textHeader As String, _
    <InAttribute> textDescription As String, _
    <InAttribute> helpFilename As String, _
    <InAttribute> helpSection As String, _
    <InAttribute> helpLinkText As String _
) Implements IWHSInfo2.AddNotification
public virtual void IWHSInfo2.AddNotification (
    [InAttribute] string UniqueID,
    [InAttribute] WHS_Notification_Severity State,
    [InAttribute] string textHeader,
    [InAttribute] string textDescription,
    [InAttribute] string helpFilename,
    [InAttribute] string helpSection,
    [InAttribute] string helpLinkText
virtual void AddNotification (
    [InAttribute] String^ UniqueID, 
    [InAttribute] WHS_Notification_Severity State, 
    [InAttribute] String^ textHeader, 
    [InAttribute] String^ textDescription, 
    [InAttribute] String^ helpFilename, 
    [InAttribute] String^ helpSection, 
    [InAttribute] String^ helpLinkText
) = IWHSInfo2::AddNotification


  • UniqueID
    A string that contains the unique identifier for the notification.
  • textHeader
    A string that contains the notification caption.
  • textDescription
    A string that contains the notification message text.
  • helpFilename
    A string that contains the path to a Help file.
  • helpSection
    A string that contains the topic file name in the Help file.
  • helpLinkText
    A string that contains the link text for the hyperlink to the Help file.


You can add a notification that contains a link to a custom Help file that provides end-users with specific information about how to respond to the notification. If you want to provide a custom Help file for your notification, call the AddNotification method, and then pass in values for the helpFilename, helpSection, and helpLinkText parameters.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Development Platforms

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP

Target Platforms

Windows Home Server

See Also


WHSInfoClass Class
WHSInfoClass Members
Microsoft.HomeServer.SDK.Interop.v1 Namespace