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WHSInfoClass.Init Method

Identifies your application to the Windows Home Server notification infrastructure.

Namespace: Microsoft.HomeServer.SDK.Interop.v1
Assembly: Microsoft.HomeServer.SDK.Interop.v1 (in microsoft.homeserver.sdk.interop.v1.dll)



Public Overridable Sub Init ( _
    <InAttribute> ApplicationName As String _
) Implements IWHSInfo2.Init
public virtual void IWHSInfo2.Init (
    [InAttribute] string ApplicationName
virtual void Init (
    [InAttribute] String^ ApplicationName
) = IWHSInfo2::Init


  • ApplicationName
    A string that contains the unique identifier for your application.


Identify your application to the Windows Home Server notification infrastructure using the Init method. When you call this method, the notification infrastructure associates your application with the unique identifier that you passed in with the Init method call.


The Windows Home Server notification infrastructure does not work correctly when multiple instances of an application are running on the same computer using the same application name. To run multiple instances of your application on the same computer, you must provide a unique identifier for each instance. You can use a GUID as a unique identifier.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.


Development Platforms

Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP

Target Platforms

Windows Home Server

See Also


WHSInfoClass Class
WHSInfoClass Members
Microsoft.HomeServer.SDK.Interop.v1 Namespace