Microsoft® Windows® 2000 continues to support NetBIOS Extended User Interface (NetBEUI) to provide backwards compatibility with legacy protocols. Windows 2000–based NetBEUI works with the architecture of Windows 2000 to support network sessions (logical connections between networked computers), as well as connection-oriented and connectionless communication.

In This Chapter

Overview of Windows 2000 NetBEUI

Interoperability Using NBF

Architecture of NBF

Network Communication Methods

NBF Dynamically Allocates Memory

NBF Supports Remote Access Clients

NBF Compared to Previous NetBIOS Session Limit

Establishing Sessions

Limited Network Routing Using NBF

Plug and Play

Troubleshooting NetBEUI

  • For information about the architecture of Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server, see "Windows 2000 Networking Architecture" in the Microsoft ® Windows ®  2000 Server Resource KitTCP/IP Core Networking Guide .

  • For information about the architecture of Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional, see the Microsoft ® Windows ®  2000 Professional Resource Kit .