Appendix E: Active Directory Property Sets
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
This section contains all of the property sets defined in the Active Directory Schema.
For descriptions of the individual member properties of each property set refer to the Active Directory schema. Follow the MSDN Library link on the Web Resources page at To locate the Active Directory Schema section in the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK), click Networking and Directory Services.
The following property sets exist in the Windows 2000 Active Directory schema:
Domain-Password Information
The following property sets were added in the Windows Server 2003 Active Directory schema:
The following table describes the fields used to describe the property-sets in this appendix.
Term | Description |
Description |
A description of the property set. |
CN (Name) |
Every object in Active Directory has a naming attribute from which its relative distinguished name is formed. The Naming Attribute for control Access Right objects is Common Name. |
Display-Name |
The Common Name of an object might not be descriptive enough for some users. Display Name is provided as a more descriptive name. |
Rights-GUID |
The unique ID for identifying a control access right. |
Applies-To |
Provides the name of the classes that this property set applies to. Includes the Schema ID GUID of the class in parentheses. For example, the PKI-Certificate-Template class (Schema ID GUID e5209ca2-3bba-11d2-90cc-00c04fd91ab1 ). |
Property Set Members |
This lists the set of attributes that belong to this property set. |
Domain Password Information
The following table describes the Domain Password property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing all lockout and password age related attributes on user account |
CN |
Domain-Password |
Display-Name |
Domain Password & Lockout Policies |
Rights-GUID |
c7407360-20bf-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529 |
Applies-To |
Domain (Schema ID GUID: 19195a5a-6da0-11d0-afd3-00c04fd930c9) |
Property Set Members |
Lock-Out-Observation-Window |
Email Information
The following table describes the Email Information property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing user attributes that describe user e-mail related information |
CN |
Email-Information |
Display-Name |
Phone and Mail Options |
Rights-GUID |
E45795B2-9455-11d1-AEBD-0000F80367C1 |
Applies-To |
Group (Schema ID GUID: bf967a9c-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2) |
Property Set Members |
This property does not have any members |
The following table describes the General Information property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing a set of user attributes that constitute general user information |
CN |
General-Information |
Display-Name |
General Information |
Rights-GUID |
59ba2f42-79a2-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d3cf |
Applies-To |
inetOrgPerson (Schema ID GUID: 4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28) |
Property Set Members |
Admin-Description Code-Page Country-Code Display-Name Object-Sid Primary-Group-ID SAM-Account-Name SAM-Account-Type SD-Rights-Effective Show-In-Advanced-View-Only SID-History uid User-Comment |
The following table describes the Membership property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing user attributes that describe group membership information |
CN |
Membership |
Display-Name |
Group Membership |
Rights-GUID |
bc0ac240-79a9-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d4cf |
Applies-To |
inetOrgPerson (Schema ID GUID: 4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28) |
Property Set Members |
Is-Member-Of-DL Member |
Personal Information
The following table describes the Personal Information property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing user attributes that describe personal user information. |
CN |
Personal-Information |
Display-Name |
Personal Information |
Rights-GUID |
77B5B886-944A-11d1-AEBD-0000F80367C1 |
Applies-To |
Computer (Schema ID GUID: bf967a86-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2) |
Property Set Members |
Address Address-Home Assistant Comment Country-Name Facsimile-Telephone-Number International-ISDN-Number Locality-Name MSMQ-Digests MSMQ-Sign-Certificates Personal-Title Phone-Fax-Other Phone-Home-Other Phone-Home-Primary Phone-Ip-Other Phone-Ip-Primary Phone-ISDN-Primary Phone-Mobile-Other Phone-Mobile-Primary Phone-Office-Other Phone-Pager-Other Phone-Pager-Primary Physical-Delivery-Office-Name Picture Post-Office-Box Postal-Address Postal-Code Preferred-Delivery-Method Registered-Address State-Or-Province-Name Street-Address Telephone-Number Teletex-Terminal-Identifier Telex-Number Telex-Primary User-Cert User-Shared-Folder User-Shared-Folder-Other User-SMIME-Certificate X121-Address X509-Cert |
The following table describes the Personal Information property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing user attributes that describe user public information |
CN |
Public-Information |
Display-Name |
Public Information |
Rights-GUID |
e48d0154-bcf8-11d1-8702-00c04fb96050 |
Applies-To |
Computer (Schema ID GUID: bf967a86-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2) inetOrgPerson (Schema ID GUID: 4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28) |
Property Set Members |
Additional-Information Allowed-Attributes Allowed-Attributes-Effective Allowed-Child-Classes Allowed-Child-Classes-Effective Alt-Security-Identities Common-Name Company Department Description Display-Name-Printable Division E-mail-Addresses Given-Name Initials Legacy-Exchange-DN Manager ms-DS-Allowed-To-Delegate-To ms-DS-Approx-Immed-Subordinates ms-DS-Auxiliary-Classes Obj-Dist-Name Object-Category Object-Class Object-Guid Organization-Name Organizational-Unit-Name Other-Mailbox Proxy-Addresses RDN Reports Service-Principal-Name Show-In-Address-Book Surname System-Flags Text-Country Title User-Principal-Name |
The following table describes the Personal Information property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing RAS specific attributes |
CN |
RAS-Information |
Display-Name |
Remote Access Information |
Rights-GUID |
037088f8-0ae1-11d2-b422-00a0c968f939 |
Applies-To |
inetOrgPerson (Schema ID GUID: 4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28) |
Property Set Members |
msNPAllowDialin msNPCallingStationID msRADIUSCallbackNumber msRADIUSFramedIPAddress msRADIUSFramedRoute msRADIUSServiceType Token-Groups Token-Groups-Global-And-Universal Token-Groups-No-GC-Acceptable |
The following table describes the Personal Information property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing user attributes that describe account restrictions. |
CN |
User-Account-Restrictions |
Display-Name |
Account Restrictions |
Rights-GUID |
4c164200-20c0-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529 |
Applies-To |
Computer (Schema ID GUID: bf967a86-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2) inetOrgPerson (Schema ID GUID: 4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28) |
Property Set Members |
Account-Expires ms-DS-User-Account-Control-Computed Pwd-Last-Set User-Account-Control User-Parameters |
The following table describes the Personal Information property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing user attributes that describe user logon information. |
CN |
User-Logon |
Display-Name |
Logon Information |
Rights-GUID |
5f202010-79a5-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d4cf |
Applies-To |
inetOrgPerson (Schema ID GUID: 4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28) |
Property Set Members |
Bad-Pwd-Count Home-Directory Home-Drive Last-Logoff Last-Logon Last-Logon-Timestamp Logon-Count Logon-Hours Logon-Workstation Profile-Path Script-Path User-Workstations |
Web Information
The following table describes the Personal Information property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set containing user attributes that describe user web related information |
CN |
Web Information |
Display-Name |
Web Information |
Rights-GUID |
E45795B3-9455-11d1-AEBD-0000F80367C1 |
Applies-To |
Contact (Schema ID GUID: 5cb41ed0-0e4c-11d0-a286-00aa003049e2) |
Property Set Members |
WWW-Home-Page WWW-Page-Other |
The following table describes the Personal Information property sets.
Term | Description |
CN |
Contains the DNS-Host-Name and ms-DS-Additional-Dns-Host-Name attributes |
Display-Name |
DNS-Host-Name-Attributes |
Rights-GUID |
DNS Host Name Attributes |
Applies-To |
72e39547-7b18-11d1-adef-00c04fd8d5cd |
Property Set Members |
Computer (Schema ID GUID: bf967a86-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2) |
CN |
DNS-Host-Name ms-DS-Additional-DNS-Host-Name |
The following table describes the Personal Information property sets.
Term | Description |
Description |
Property set permitting control to a list of domain attributes |
CN |
Domain-Other-Parameters |
Display-Name |
Other Domain Parameters (for use by SAM) |
Rights-GUID |
B8119fd0-04f6-4762-ab7a-4986c76b3f9a |
Applies-To |
Domain-DNS (Schema ID GUID: 19195a5b-6da0-11d0-afd3-00c04fd930c9) |
Property Set Members |
Domain-Replica Force-Logoff Modified-Count OEM-Information Server-Role Server-State UAS-Compat |