Instructs the IIS configuration system to resume the commitment of changes.
End-WebCommitDelay [[-Commit] <Boolean>] [[-PSPath] <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Instructs the configuration system to end the delay of commitment changes started by the Begin-WebCommitDelay cmdlet. You can choose to either commit or discard configuration changes made by using the Commit parameter.
Commit flag that tells the IIS configuration system to commit changes when the flag is set to $true, or to discard changes when set to $false.
Name | Value |
Required? |
false |
Accept wildcard characters? |
false |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
false |
Position? |
3 |
Specifies the configuration path. This can be either an IIS configuration path in the format computer name/webroot/apphost, or the IIS module path in this format IIS:\sites\Default Web Site.
Name | Value |
Required? |
false |
Accept wildcard characters? |
false |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
true (ByPropertyName) |
Position? |
2 |
Name | Value |
Required? |
false |
Accept wildcard characters? |
false |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Name | Value |
Required? |
false |
Accept wildcard characters? |
false |
Accept Pipeline Input? |
false |
Position? |
named |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see About Common Parameter
The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet. The return type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.
Input Type |
. |
Return Type |
. |
IIS:\>End-WebCommitDelay -Commit $true
Commits the configuration changes made since the Begin-WebCommitDelay cmdlet was executed.
C:\PS>End-WebCommitDelay -Commit $false
Discards the configuration changes made since the Begin-WebCommitDelay cmdlet was executed.