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Net statistics

Displays the statistics log for the local Workstation or Server service, or the running services for which statistics are available. Used without parameters, net statistics lists the running services for which statistics are available.


net statistics [{workstation | server}]


workstation   : Displays statistics for the local Workstation service.

server   : Displays statistics for the local Server service.

net help   command   : Displays help for the specified net command.


  • You can also type net stats.

  • For the Workstation service, Windows XP reports the computer's name, the date and time when the statistics were last updated, and the following information:

    • Number of bytes and server message blocks (SMB) received and transmitted

    • Number of read and write operations that succeeded or failed

    • Number of network errors

    • Number of sessions that failed, disconnected, or were reconnected

    • Number of connections to shared resources that succeeded or failed

  • For the Server service, Windows XP reports the computer's name, the date and time when the statistics were last updated, and the following information:

    • Number of sessions that were started, disconnected automatically, and disconnected because of an error

    • Number of kilobytes sent and received, and the average server-response time

    • Number of errors and violations of password and permission limits

    • Number of times the shared files, printers, and communication devices were used

    • Number of times the size of the memory buffer was exceeded


To display statistics for the Server service and prevent the output from scrolling, type:

net statistics server | more 

Formatting legend




Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output

Net services overview


Command-line reference A-Z