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INuiFusionMatchCandidates Interface

Used by the CameraPoseFinder::FindCameraPose method to provide access to the matched camera poses and their similarity measurements.


interface INuiFusionMatchCandidates : public IUnknown


INuiFusionMatchCandidates has the following members.


Name Description
CalculateMinimumDistance Calculates the distance between the input depth frame and the most similar pose candidate in the pose database.
GetMatchPoses Gets a collection of the camera poses in the database that were match candidates to the input depth frame.
GetMatchSimilarities Gets a collection of the match similarity measurements for the match candidates returned by the MatchPoses property.
MatchPoseCount Gets the number of camera poses in the database that were match candidates to the input depth frame.
MatchSimilarityCount Gets the number of match similarity measurements.


Header: nuikinectfusioncameraposefinder.h

Library: TBD