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ICoordinateMapper Interface

Represents the mapper that provides translation services from one point type to another.


interface ICoordinateMapper : public IUnknown


ICoordinateMapper has the following members.


Name Description
GetCoordinateMappingChangedEventData Gets event data when the mapping between types of points changes.
GetDepthCameraIntrinsics Returns the calibration data for the depth camera.
GetDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable Generates a table of camera space points.
MapCameraPointsToColorSpace Maps an array of points from camera space to color space.
MapCameraPointsToDepthSpace Maps an array of points from camera space to depth space.
MapCameraPointToColorSpace Maps a point from camera space to color space.
MapCameraPointToDepthSpace Maps a point from camera space to depth space.
MapColorFrameToCameraSpace Uses the color frame data to map the entire frame from color space to camera space.
MapColorFrameToDepthSpace Uses the depth frame data to map the entire frame from color space to depth space.
MapDepthFrameToCameraSpace Uses the depth frame data to map the entire frame from depth space to camera space.
MapDepthFrameToColorSpace Uses the depth frame data to map the entire frame from depth space to color space.
MapDepthPointsToCameraSpace Maps an array of points and depths from depth space to camera space.
MapDepthPointsToColorSpace Maps an array of points and depths from depth space to color space.
MapDepthPointToCameraSpace Maps a point and depth from depth space to camera space.
MapDepthPointToColorSpace Maps a point and depth from depth space to color space.
SubscribeCoordinateMappingChanged Subscribes to the specified event handler to process changes in coordinate mapping.
UnsubscribeCoordinateMappingChanged Unsubscribes the specified event handler from processing changes in coordinate mapping.


Header: kinect.h

Library: kinect20.lib