IVisualGestureBuilderFrameSource Interface
Represents a Visual Gesture Builder frame source.
interface IVisualGestureBuilderFrameSource : public IUnknown
IVisualGestureBuilderFrameSource has the following members.
Name | Description |
AddGesture | Adds the specified gesture to the Visual Gesture Builder frame source. |
AddGestures | Adds the specified list of gestures to the Visual Gesture Builder frame source. |
get_GestureCount | Gets the number of gestures associated with the Visual Gesture Builder frame source. |
get_Gestures | Gets a collection of gestures associated with the Visual Gesture Builder frame source. |
get_HorizontalMirror | Gets a value indicating whether horizontal mirroring should be used. |
get_IsActive | Gets a value indicating if the Visual Gesture Builder frame source is active. |
get_IsTrackingIdValid | Gets a value indicating if the tracking ID associated with the frame sourcec is valid. |
get_KinectSensor | Gets the Kinect sensor associated with the frame source. |
get_TrackingId | Gets the tracking ID. |
GetIsEnabled | Gets a value indicating if the specified gesture is enabled for the Visual Gesture Builder frame source. |
GetTrackingIdLostEventData | Gets the event data from a tracking ID lost frame event. |
OpenReader | Opens a new frame reader. |
put_HorizontalMirror | Sets a value indicating whether horizontal mirroring should be used. |
put_TrackingId | Sets the tracking ID of the Visual Gesture Builder frame source. |
RemoveGesture | Removes the specified gesture from the Visual Gesture Builder frame source. |
SetIsEnabled | Sets whether the specified gesture is enabled for the Visual Gesture Builder frame source. |
SubscribeTrackingIdLost | Subscribes to the specified event handler to the tracking ID lost event. |
UnsubscribeTrackingIdLost | Unsubscribes the specified event handler that processes new frames. |
Header: kinect.visualgesturebuilder.h
Library: TBD