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IVisualGestureBuilderFrameSource Interface

Represents a Visual Gesture Builder frame source.


interface IVisualGestureBuilderFrameSource : public IUnknown


IVisualGestureBuilderFrameSource has the following members.


Name Description
AddGesture Adds the specified gesture to the Visual Gesture Builder frame source.
AddGestures Adds the specified list of gestures to the Visual Gesture Builder frame source.
get_GestureCount Gets the number of gestures associated with the Visual Gesture Builder frame source.
get_Gestures Gets a collection of gestures associated with the Visual Gesture Builder frame source.
get_HorizontalMirror Gets a value indicating whether horizontal mirroring should be used.
get_IsActive Gets a value indicating if the Visual Gesture Builder frame source is active.
get_IsTrackingIdValid Gets a value indicating if the tracking ID associated with the frame sourcec is valid.
get_KinectSensor Gets the Kinect sensor associated with the frame source.
get_TrackingId Gets the tracking ID.
GetIsEnabled Gets a value indicating if the specified gesture is enabled for the Visual Gesture Builder frame source.
GetTrackingIdLostEventData Gets the event data from a tracking ID lost frame event.
OpenReader Opens a new frame reader.
put_HorizontalMirror Sets a value indicating whether horizontal mirroring should be used.
put_TrackingId Sets the tracking ID of the Visual Gesture Builder frame source.
RemoveGesture Removes the specified gesture from the Visual Gesture Builder frame source.
SetIsEnabled Sets whether the specified gesture is enabled for the Visual Gesture Builder frame source.
SubscribeTrackingIdLost Subscribes to the specified event handler to the tracking ID lost event.
UnsubscribeTrackingIdLost Unsubscribes the specified event handler that processes new frames.


Header: kinect.visualgesturebuilder.h

Library: TBD