formrecognizer Package
AccountProperties |
Summary of all the custom models on the account. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
AddressValue |
An address field value. New in version 2023-07-31: The unit, city_district, state_district, suburb, house, and level properties. |
AnalyzeResult |
Document analysis result. |
AnalyzedDocument |
An object describing the location and semantic content of a document. |
BlobFileListSource |
Content source for a file list in Azure Blob Storage. |
BlobSource |
Content source for Azure Blob Storage. |
BoundingRegion |
The bounding region corresponding to a page. |
ClassifierDocumentTypeDetails |
Training data source. |
CurrencyValue |
A currency value element. New in version 2023-07-31: The code property. |
CustomDocumentModelsDetails |
Details regarding the custom models under the Form Recognizer resource. |
CustomFormModel |
Represents a trained model. New in version v2.1: The model_name and properties properties, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
CustomFormModelField |
A field that the model will extract from forms it analyzes. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
CustomFormModelInfo |
Custom model information. New in version v2.1: The model_name and properties properties, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
CustomFormModelProperties |
Optional model properties. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
CustomFormSubmodel |
Represents a submodel that extracts fields from a specific type of form. New in version v2.1: The model_id property, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
DocumentAnalysisClient |
DocumentAnalysisClient analyzes information from documents and images, and classifies documents. It is the interface to use for analyzing with prebuilt models (receipts, business cards, invoices, identity documents, among others), analyzing layout from documents, analyzing general document types, and analyzing custom documents with built models (to see a full list of models supported by the service, see: It provides different methods based on inputs from a URL and inputs from a stream. Note DocumentAnalysisClient should be used with API versions 2022-08-31 and up. To use API versions <=v2.1, instantiate a FormRecognizerClient. New in version 2022-08-31: The DocumentAnalysisClient and its client methods. |
DocumentAnalysisError |
DocumentAnalysisError contains the details of the error returned by the service. |
DocumentAnalysisInnerError |
Inner error details for the DocumentAnalysisError. |
DocumentBarcode |
A barcode object. |
DocumentClassifierDetails |
Document classifier information. Includes the doc types that the model can classify. |
DocumentField |
An object representing the content and location of a document field value. New in version 2023-07-31: The boolean value_type and bool value |
DocumentFormula |
A formula object. |
DocumentKeyValueElement |
An object representing the field key or value in a key-value pair. |
DocumentKeyValuePair |
An object representing a document field with distinct field label (key) and field value (may be empty). |
DocumentLanguage |
An object representing the detected language for a given text span. |
DocumentLine |
A content line object representing the content found on a single line of the document. |
DocumentModelAdministrationClient |
DocumentModelAdministrationClient is the Form Recognizer interface to use for building and managing models. It provides methods for building models and classifiers, as well as methods for viewing and deleting models and classifiers, viewing model and classifier operations, accessing account information, copying models to another Form Recognizer resource, and composing a new model from a collection of existing models. Note DocumentModelAdministrationClient should be used with API versions 2022-08-31 and up. To use API versions <=v2.1, instantiate a FormTrainingClient. New in version 2022-08-31: The DocumentModelAdministrationClient and its client methods. |
DocumentModelAdministrationLROPoller |
Implements a protocol followed by returned poller objects. |
DocumentModelDetails |
Document model information. Includes the doc types that the model can analyze. New in version 2023-07-31: The expires_on property. |
DocumentModelSummary |
A summary of document model information including the model ID, its description, and when the model was created. New in version 2023-07-31: The expires_on property. |
DocumentPage |
Content and layout elements extracted from a page of the input. New in version 2023-07-31: The barcodes, and formulas properties. |
DocumentParagraph |
A paragraph object generally consisting of contiguous lines with common alignment and spacing. New in version 2023-07-31: The formulaBlock role. |
DocumentSelectionMark |
A selection mark object representing check boxes, radio buttons, and other elements indicating a selection. |
DocumentSpan |
Contiguous region of the content of the property, specified as an offset and length. |
DocumentStyle |
An object representing observed text styles. New in version 2023-07-31: The similar_font_family, font_style, font_weight, color, and background_color properties. |
DocumentTable |
A table object consisting of table cells arranged in a rectangular layout. |
DocumentTableCell |
An object representing the location and content of a table cell. |
DocumentTypeDetails |
DocumentTypeDetails represents a document type that a model can recognize, including its fields and types, and the confidence for those fields. |
DocumentWord |
A word object consisting of a contiguous sequence of characters. For non-space delimited languages, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, each character is represented as its own word. |
FieldData |
Contains the data for the form field. This includes the text, location of the text on the form, and a collection of the elements that make up the text. New in version v2.1: FormSelectionMark is added to the types returned in the list of field_elements, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormElement |
Base type which includes properties for a form element. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormField |
Represents a field recognized in an input form. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormLine |
An object representing an extracted line of text. New in version v2.1: appearance property, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormPage |
Represents a page recognized from the input document. Contains lines, words, selection marks, tables and page metadata. New in version v2.1: selection_marks property, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormPageRange |
The 1-based page range of the form. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormRecognizerClient |
FormRecognizerClient extracts information from forms and images into structured data. It is the interface to use for analyzing with prebuilt models (receipts, business cards, invoices, identity documents), recognizing content/layout from forms, and analyzing custom forms from trained models. It provides different methods based on inputs from a URL and inputs from a stream. Note FormRecognizerClient should be used with API versions <=v2.1. To use API versions 2022-08-31 and up, instantiate a DocumentAnalysisClient. |
FormRecognizerError |
Represents an error that occurred while training. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormSelectionMark |
Information about the extracted selection mark. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormTable |
Information about the extracted table contained on a page. New in version v2.1: The bounding_box property, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormTableCell |
Represents a cell contained in a table recognized from the input document. New in version v2.1: FormSelectionMark is added to the types returned in the list of field_elements, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
FormTrainingClient |
FormTrainingClient is the Form Recognizer interface to use for creating and managing custom models. It provides methods for training models on the forms you provide, as well as methods for viewing and deleting models, accessing account properties, copying models to another Form Recognizer resource, and composing models from a collection of existing models trained with labels. Note FormTrainingClient should be used with API versions <=v2.1. To use API versions 2022-08-31 and up, instantiate a DocumentModelAdministrationClient. |
FormWord |
Represents a word recognized from the input document. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
OperationDetails |
OperationDetails consists of information about the model operation, including the result or error of the operation if it has completed. Note that operation information only persists for 24 hours. If the operation was successful, the model can also be accessed using the <>, <>, <>, <> APIs. New in version 2023-07-31: The documentClassifierBuild kind and DocumentClassifierDetails result. |
OperationSummary |
Model operation information, including the kind and status of the operation, when it was created, and more. Note that operation information only persists for 24 hours. If the operation was successful, the model can be accessed using the <>, <>, <>, <> APIs. To find out why an operation failed, use <> and provide the operation_id. New in version 2023-07-31: The documentClassifierBuild kind. |
Point |
The x, y coordinate of a point on a bounding box or polygon. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
QuotaDetails |
Quota used, limit, and next reset date/time. |
RecognizedForm |
Represents a form that has been recognized by a trained or prebuilt model. The fields property contains the form fields that were extracted from the form. Tables, text lines/words, and selection marks are extracted per page and found in the pages property. New in version v2.1: The form_type_confidence and model_id properties, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
ResourceDetails |
Details regarding the Form Recognizer resource. New in version 2023-07-31: The neural_document_model_quota property. |
TextAppearance |
An object representing the appearance of the text line. New in version v2.1: Support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
TrainingDocumentInfo |
Report for an individual document used for training a custom model. New in version v2.1: The model_id property, support for to_dict and from_dict methods |
AnalysisFeature |
Document analysis features to enable. |
CustomFormModelStatus |
Status indicating the model's readiness for use. |
DocumentAnalysisApiVersion |
Form Recognizer API versions supported by DocumentAnalysisClient and DocumentModelAdministrationClient. |
FieldValueType |
Semantic data type of the field value. New in version v2.1: The selectionMark and countryRegion values |
FormContentType |
Content type for upload. New in version v2.1: Support for image/bmp |
FormRecognizerApiVersion |
Form Recognizer API versions supported by FormRecognizerClient and FormTrainingClient. |
LengthUnit |
The unit used by the width, height and bounding box properties. For images, the unit is "pixel". For PDF, the unit is "inch". |
ModelBuildMode |
The mode used when building custom models. For more information, see |
TrainingStatus |
Status of the training operation. |
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