Common Parameters and Headers

The following information is common to all operations that you might do related to Batch resources:

  • Specify the optional $select value as a list of properties to return for a resource.

  • Specify the optional $skiptoken value in the URI if a partial result is returned in a previous operation call. If the response contains an odata.nextLink element, the value of the odata.nextLink element includes a $skiptoken parameter with a value that specifies the starting point in the collection of entities for the next GET operation. The $skiptoken parameter must only be used on the URI contained in the value of the odata.nextLink element.

  • Specify the optional maxresults value in the URI to define the number of items to return in a response. The maximum number of items varies based on the resource:

    • A maximum of 100 certificates can be returned.

    • A maximum of 1000 pools can be returned.

    • A maximum of 1000 nodes can be returned.

    • A maximum of 1000 job schedules can be returned.

    • A maximum of 1000 jobs can be returned.

    • A maximum of 1000 tasks can be returned.

  • Set the Authorization header to a string that contains the authentication scheme, the account name, and the authentication signature. For more information, see Authenticate Requests to the Azure Batch Service.

Representation of Date/Time Values

Specifying Date/Time values in HTTP headers

The Batch service follows RFC 1123 for representation of date/time values in headers. This is the preferred format for HTTP/1.1 operations, as described in section 3.3 of the HTTP/1.1 Protocol Parameters specification. An example of this format is:

Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT  

The following format is also supported, as described in the HTTP/1.1 protocol specification:

Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT  

Both are represented in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time.

Specifying Date/Time values in URI Parameters and Request/Response Body

Date/time values in query parameters and request/response body are expressed as UTC times and must adhere to a valid ISO 8601 format. Supported ISO 8601 formats include the following:



  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD

For the date portion of these formats, YYYY is a four-digit year representation, MM is a two-digit month representation, and DD is a two-digit day representation. For the time portion, hh is the hour representation in 24-hour notation, mm is the two-digit minute representation, and ss is the two-digit second representation. A time designator T separates the date and time portions of the string, while a time zone designator TZD specifies a time zone.