Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers - Billing Periods


On May 1st, 2024, Azure Enterprise Reporting APIs will be retired. Any remaining Enterprise Reporting APIs will stop responding to requests. Customers need to transition to using Microsoft Cost Management APIs before then. To learn more, see Migrate from Azure Enterprise Reporting to Microsoft Cost Management APIs overview.

The Billing Periods API returns a list of billing periods that have consumption data for the specified Enrollment in reverse chronological order. Each Period contains a property pointing to the API route for the four sets of data - BalanceSummary, UsageDetails, Marketplace Charges, and PriceSheet. If the period does not have data, the corresponding property is null.


Common header properties that need to be added are specified in the Overview of Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers article.

Method Request URI


To use the previous version of the API, replace v2 with v1 in the URL above. Some fields aren't available if you use v2.


                  "billingPeriodId": "201704",
                  "billingStart": "2017-04-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "billingEnd": "2017-04-30T11:59:59Z",
                "balanceSummary": "/v1/enrollments/100/billingperiods/201704/balancesummary",
                  "usageDetails": "/v1/enrollments/100/billingperiods/201704/usagedetails",
                  "marketplaceCharges": "/v1/enrollments/100/billingperiods/201704/marketplacecharges",
                  "priceSheet": "/v1/enrollments/100/billingperiods/201704/pricesheet"

Response property definitions

Property Name Type Description
billingPeriodId string The unique ID that represents a particular Billing period
billingStart datetime ISO 8601 string representing the period start date
billingEnd datetime ISO 8601 string representing the period end date
balanceSummary string The URL path that routes to the Balance Summary data for this period
usageDetails string The URL path that routes to the Usage Details data for this period
marketplaceCharges string The URL path that routes to the Marketplace Charges data for this period
priceSheet string The URL path that routes to the PriceSheet data for this period

See also