Machines - Get Machine
Method to get machine.
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string |
Machine ARM name. |
path | True |
string |
The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. |
path | True |
string |
Site name. |
path | True |
string |
The ID of the target subscription. |
query | True |
string |
The API version to use for this operation. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK |
Get VMware machine.
Sample request
Sample response
"id": "/subscriptions/75dd7e42-4fd1-4512-af04-83ad9864335b/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.OffAzure/VMwareSites/pajind_site1/machines/machine1",
"name": "machine1",
"type": "Microsoft.OffAzure/VMwareSites/machines",
"properties": {
"dataCenterScope": "vCenter60-2",
"firmware": "bios",
"description": "",
"vCenterFQDN": "",
"vCenterId": "/subscriptions/75dd7e42-4fd1-4512-af04-83ad9864335b/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.OffAzure/VMwareSites/vcenters/10-150-8-52-b090bef3-b733-5e34-bc8f-eb6f2701432a",
"vMwareToolsStatus": "NotInstalled",
"changeTrackingSupported": true,
"changeTrackingEnabled": true,
"maxSnapshots": -1,
"disks": [
"uuid": "6000C299-7390-714b-91c1-8af030cfadf9",
"label": "Hard disk 1",
"diskProvisioningPolicy": "ThinProvisioned",
"diskScrubbingPolicy": "LazilyScrubbed",
"diskMode": "persistent",
"maxSizeInBytes": 42949672960,
"name": "scsi0:0",
"diskType": "Static",
"lun": 0,
"path": "[DS-FC-5TB-38-4] FPLWIN8R264-03/FPLWIN8R264-03.vmdk"
"appsAndRoles": null,
"hostInMaintenanceMode": false,
"hostName": "",
"hostPowerState": "unknown",
"hostVersion": "6.0.0",
"networkAdapters": [
"label": "Network adapter 1",
"nicId": "4000",
"macAddress": "00:50:56:88:0d:3c",
"ipAddressList": [],
"networkName": "VM Network",
"ipAddressType": "Static"
"dependencyMapping": "Disabled",
"dependencyMappingStartTime": null,
"displayName": "FPLWIN8R264-03",
"numberOfProcessorCore": 1,
"allocatedMemoryInMB": 4096,
"vmConfigurationFileLocation": "[DS-FC-5TB-38-4] FPLWIN8R264-03/FPLWIN8R264-03.vmx",
"operatingSystemDetails": {
"osType": "windowsguest",
"osName": "Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)",
"osVersion": null
"guestOSDetails": {
"osType": null,
"osName": null,
"osVersion": null
"numberOfApplications": 0,
"guestDetailsDiscoveryTimestamp": null,
"isGuestDetailsDiscoveryInProgress": true,
"createdTimestamp": "2019-10-14T08:52:34.0679641Z",
"updatedTimestamp": "2019-10-17T09:32:15.8814969Z",
"instanceUuid": "5008f0e5-71aa-84d6-6042-a118fb8e07c5",
"powerStatus": "ON",
"biosSerialNumber": "4208ef12-4a97-56d5-5fab-268058d3e3b5",
"biosGuid": "4208ef12-4a97-56d5-5fab-268058d3e3b5",
"vmFqdn": "",
"isDeleted": false,
"errors": []
Name | Description |
Application |
Application in the guest virtual machine. |
Apps |
AppsAndRoles in the guest virtual machine. |
Biz |
BizTalkServer in the guest virtual machine. |
Exchange |
ExchangeServer in the guest virtual machine. |
Feature |
Feature in the guest virtual machine. |
Guest |
Data related to a machine's operating system. Serialized and stored as part of Machine Rest object. |
Health |
Error contract returned when some exception occurs in Rest API. |
Operating |
Second level object returned as part of Machine REST resource. |
Other |
OtherDatabase in the guest virtual machine. |
Share |
SharePointServer in the guest virtual machine. |
SQLServer |
SQLServer in the guest virtual machine. |
System |
SystemCenter in the guest virtual machine. |
Virtual |
Disk mode property used for identifying independent disks. |
VMware |
Second level object returned as part of Machine REST resource. |
VMware |
Machine REST Resource. |
VMware |
Class for machine properties. |
VMware |
Second level object represented in responses as part of Machine REST resource. |
Web |
WebApplication in the guest virtual machine. |
Application in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
string |
Name of the Application. |
provider |
string |
Provider of the Application. |
version |
string |
Version of the Application. |
AppsAndRoles in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
applications |
Applications of the AppsAndRoles. |
bizTalkServers |
BizTalkServers of the AppsAndRoles. |
exchangeServers |
ExchangeServers of the AppsAndRoles. |
features |
Feature[] |
Features of the AppsAndRoles. |
otherDatabases |
OtherDatabaseServers of the AppsAndRoles. |
sharePointServers |
SharePointServers of the AppsAndRoles. |
sqlServers |
SQLServers of the AppsAndRoles. |
systemCenters |
SystemCenters of the AppsAndRoles. |
webApplications |
WebApplications of the AppsAndRoles. |
BizTalkServer in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
productName |
string |
ProductName of the BizTalkServer. |
status |
string |
Status of the BizTalkServer. |
ExchangeServer in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
edition |
string |
Edition of the ExchangeServer. |
productName |
string |
ProductName of the ExchangeServer. |
roles |
string |
Roles of the ExchangeServer. |
servicePack |
string |
ServicePack of the ExchangeServer. |
version |
string |
Version of the ExchangeServer. |
Feature in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
featureType |
string |
FeatureType of the Feature. |
name |
string |
Name of the Feature. |
parent |
string |
Parent of the Feature. |
status |
string |
Status of the Feature. |
Data related to a machine's operating system. Serialized and stored as part of Machine Rest object.
Name | Type | Description |
osName |
string |
Name of the operating system. |
osType |
string |
Type of the operating system. |
osVersion |
string |
Version of the operating system. |
Error contract returned when some exception occurs in Rest API.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Error name. |
id |
integer |
Error ID. |
message |
string |
Error message. |
messageParameters |
object |
Message parameters. |
possibleCauses |
string |
Possible causes of error. |
recommendedAction |
string |
Recommended action to resolve error. |
severity |
string |
Error severity. |
source |
string |
Error source. |
summaryMessage |
string |
Error summary message. |
Second level object returned as part of Machine REST resource.
Name | Type | Description |
osName |
string |
Name of the operating system. |
osType |
string |
Type of the operating system. |
osVersion |
string |
Version of the operating system. |
OtherDatabase in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
databaseType |
string |
DatabaseType of the OtherDatabase. |
instance |
string |
Instance of the OtherDatabase. |
version |
string |
Version of the OtherDatabase. |
SharePointServer in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
isEnterprise |
boolean |
Value indicating whether the SharePointServer is Enterprise. |
productName |
string |
ProductName of the SharePointServer. |
status |
string |
Status of the SharePointServer. |
version |
string |
Version of the SharePointServer. |
SQLServer in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
clusterName |
string |
ClusterName of the SQLServer. |
clustered |
string |
Clustered of the SQLServer. |
edition |
string |
Edition of the SQLServer. |
name |
string |
Name of the SQLServer. |
servicePack |
string |
ServicePack of the SQLServer. |
version |
string |
Version of the SQLServer. |
SystemCenter in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
productName |
string |
ProductName of the SystemCenter. |
status |
string |
Status of the SystemCenter. |
version |
string |
Version of the SystemCenter. |
Disk mode property used for identifying independent disks.
Name | Type | Description |
append |
string |
independent_nonpersistent |
string |
independent_persistent |
string |
nonpersistent |
string |
persistent |
string |
undoable |
string |
Second level object returned as part of Machine REST resource.
Name | Type | Description |
diskMode |
Disk mode property used for identifying independent disks. |
diskProvisioningPolicy |
string |
The provisioning policy of the disk. It is Thin or Thick or Unknown for the VMWare. |
diskScrubbingPolicy |
string |
The scrubbing policy of disks which can be eagerly zeroed or lazily zeroed. |
diskType |
string |
Type of the disk. |
label |
string |
Label of the disk. |
lun |
integer |
LUN of the disk. |
maxSizeInBytes |
integer |
Bytes allocated for the disk. |
name |
string |
Name of the disk. |
path |
string |
Path of the disk. |
uuid |
string |
Disk UUID. |
Machine REST Resource.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Resource Id. |
name |
string |
Name of the Sites. |
properties |
Nested properties. |
type |
string |
Type of resource. Type = Microsoft.OffAzure/VMWareSites/Machines. |
Class for machine properties.
Name | Type | Description |
allocatedMemoryInMB |
number |
Allocated Memory in MB. |
appsAndRoles |
Apps And Roles of the VM. |
biosGuid |
string |
biosSerialNumber |
string |
Machine BIOS serial number. |
changeTrackingEnabled |
boolean |
Value indicating whether change tracking is enabled. |
changeTrackingSupported |
boolean |
Value indicating whether change tracking is supported. |
createdTimestamp |
string |
Timestamp marking machine creation. |
dataCenterScope |
string |
Scope of the data center. |
dependencyMapping |
string |
If dependency mapping feature is enabled or not for the VM. |
dependencyMappingStartTime |
string |
When dependency mapping collection is last started. |
description |
string |
User description of the machine. |
disks |
Disks attached to the machine. |
displayName |
string |
Display name of the machine. |
errors |
Errors for machine. |
firmware |
string |
Firmware of the machine. |
guestDetailsDiscoveryTimestamp |
string |
The last time at which the Guest Details was discovered or the error while discovering guest details based discovery of the machine. |
guestOSDetails |
Operating System Details extracted from the guest bu executing script inside the guest VM. |
hostInMaintenanceMode |
boolean |
Indicates whether the host is in maintenance mode. |
hostName |
string |
The host name. |
hostPowerState |
string |
The host power state. |
hostVersion |
string |
The host version. |
instanceUuid |
string |
On-premise Instance UUID of the machine. |
isDeleted |
boolean |
Value indicating whether VM is deleted. |
isGuestDetailsDiscoveryInProgress |
boolean |
Whether Refresh Fabric Layout Guest Details has been completed once. Portal will show discovery in progress, if this value is true. |
maxSnapshots |
integer |
Maximum number of snapshots for the VM. Default value is -1. |
networkAdapters |
Network adapters attached to the machine. |
numberOfApplications |
integer |
Number of applications installed in the guest VM. |
numberOfProcessorCore |
integer |
Number of Processor Cores allocated for the machine. |
operatingSystemDetails |
Operating System Details installed on the machine. |
powerStatus |
string |
Machine power status. |
updatedTimestamp |
string |
Timestamp marking last updated on the machine. |
vCenterFQDN |
string |
VCenter FQDN/IPAddress. |
vCenterId |
string |
VCenter ARM ID. |
vMwareToolsStatus |
string |
VMware tools status. |
vmConfigurationFileLocation |
string |
Root location of the VM configuration file. |
vmFqdn |
string |
Machine FQDN. |
Second level object represented in responses as part of Machine REST resource.
Name | Type | Description |
ipAddressList |
string[] |
IP addresses for the machine. |
ipAddressType |
string |
Type of the IP address. |
label |
string |
Label of the NIC. |
macAddress |
string |
Mac address of the NIC. |
networkName |
string |
Network Name. |
nicId |
string |
NIC Id. |
WebApplication in the guest virtual machine.
Name | Type | Description |
applicationPool |
string |
ApplicationPool of the WebApplication. |
groupName |
string |
GroupName of the WebApplication. |
name |
string |
Name of the WebApplication. |
platform |
string |
Platform of the WebApplication. |
status |
string |
Status of the WebApplication. |
webServer |
string |
WebServer of the WebApplication. |