Cluster Resource Type Models

Name Description
AddOnFeatures enum The available cluster add-on features.

- RepairManager - The Service Fabric Repair Manager service.
- DnsService - The Service Fabric DNS service.
- BackupRestoreService - The Service Fabric Backup and Restore service.
- ResourceMonitorService - The Service Fabric Resource Monitor service.
ApplicationDeltaHealthPolicy Defines a delta health policy used to evaluate the health of an application or one of its child entities when upgrading the cluster.
ApplicationHealthPolicy Defines a health policy used to evaluate the health of an application or one of its children entities.
AvailableOperationDisplay Operation supported by the Service Fabric resource provider
AzureActiveDirectory The settings to enable AAD authentication on the cluster.
CertificateDescription Describes the certificate details.
ClientCertificateCommonName Describes the client certificate details using common name.
ClientCertificateThumbprint Describes the client certificate details using thumbprint.
Cluster The cluster resource
ClusterCodeVersionsListResult The list results of the Service Fabric runtime versions.
ClusterCodeVersionsResult The result of the Service Fabric runtime versions
ClusterHealthPolicy Defines a health policy used to evaluate the health of the cluster or of a cluster node.
ClusterListResult Cluster list results
ClusterProperties Describes the cluster resource properties.
ClusterPropertiesUpdateParameters Describes the cluster resource properties that can be updated during PATCH operation.
ClusterUpdateParameters Cluster update request
ClusterUpgradeDeltaHealthPolicy Describes the delta health policies for the cluster upgrade.
ClusterUpgradePolicy Describes the policy used when upgrading the cluster.
ClusterVersionDetails The detail of the Service Fabric runtime version result
DiagnosticsStorageAccountConfig The storage account information for storing Service Fabric diagnostic logs.
EndpointRangeDescription Port range details
ErrorModel The structure of the error.
ErrorModelError The error details.
NodeTypeDescription Describes a node type in the cluster, each node type represents sub set of nodes in the cluster.
OperationListResult Describes the result of the request to list Service Fabric resource provider operations.
OperationResult Available operation list result
ProvisioningState enum Possible values include: 'Updating', 'Succeeded', 'Failed', 'Canceled'
Resource The resource model definition.
ServerCertificateCommonName Describes the server certificate details using common name.
ServerCertificateCommonNames Describes a list of server certificates referenced by common name that are used to secure the cluster.
ServiceTypeDeltaHealthPolicy Represents the delta health policy used to evaluate the health of services belonging to a service type when upgrading the cluster.
ServiceTypeHealthPolicy Represents the health policy used to evaluate the health of services belonging to a service type.
SettingsParameterDescription Describes a parameter in fabric settings of the cluster.
SettingsSectionDescription Describes a section in the fabric settings of the cluster.