Indexadillo - Index your documents using Durable Functions and AI Search for RAG applications.

Indexadillo Mascot

Open in GitHub Codespaces .github/workflows/azure-dev.yml

Indexadillo helps you push data to Azure AI Search in a scalable, observable way. Instead of using a pull-based DSL approach (which can be tricky to debug and customize), this solution uses Azure Durable Functions to handle everything from parsing your documents to uploading embeddings—without restarting at every little hiccup.

Demo of the deployed sample

What’s Inside?

A workflow diagram shows two data sources labeled “HTTP” and “BLOB” flowing into a “Documents” box. From there, four steps are repeated for each document: “Cracking,” “Chunking,” “Embedding,” and “Upload.” In the diagram, “Cracking” and “Chunking” are highlighted in green to indicate they have started, while “Embedding” and “Upload” are gray to show they haven’t begun yet. A small note above the arrow from “Chunking” to “Embedding” reads “for each document,” emphasizing that all steps happen for each file.

  • Orchestrators and Activities: Each document gets its own sub-orchestrator, so failures don't bring everything down.
  • Blob Storage Input: Drop your PDFs into blob storage, and we’ll automatically pick them up.
  • Document Intelligence: Extract text from documents before sending them on.
  • “Chonkie” for Chunking: Break down big files into smaller pieces for easier processing.
  • OpenAI Text-003-Large Embeddings: Transform your text into embeddings for full-text AI search.
  • Azure AI Search Upload: All neatly sent to your search index.
  • Scalability: Process documents in parallel without losing track, thanks to continuation tokens and Durable Functions’ built-in retries.

Getting Started

Quick Start & Prerequisites

  1. Environment Setup

    • Azure Account: Ensure you have an active Azure subscription.
    • Tools: Install Azure CLI and azd.

      Not needed for the dev container setup.

    • Dev Environment:
      • Kick things off with VS Code and the provided dev container.
      • Or use codespaces Open in GitHub Codespaces
  2. Deploy Your Infrastructure

    • Create a new environment:
      azd env new indexadillo-dev
    • Authenticate with Azure:
      azd auth login
      az login
    • Provision your resources:
      azd up
      This command sets up the necessary infrastructure (storage, function app, AI Search, etc.). Follow the prompts to select a subscription and region (Sweden Central is recommended).
  3. Detailed Setup (Optional)

    • Roles & Permissions: Run the roles script to assign necessary permissions:
    • Document Upload: Place your PDFs into the source container within your storage account.
    • Monitoring:
      • Check the processing in Application Insights: App Insights
      • Or view the function app’s invocations by selecting the index_event_grid function and switching to the "Invocations" tab.
    • Accessing Search: Use the AI Search portal or the provided Bruno collection in the /http folder. (Don’t forget to update the host variable in the collection settings with your function app name.)
    • Reindexing: Trigger a full reindex via the /index endpoint. This creates a new index (defaulted to other-index, can be changed in the parameters) for the blobs. You can adjust the prefixes to index specific folders, and the endpoint returns an ID to track progress via /status/:id.

Local Debugging

  1. Setup local.settings.json
    Place the following local.settings.json file in the src folder:

      "IsEncrypted": false,
      "Values": {
        "AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
        "SOURCE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME": "<source_storage_account_name>",
        "DI_ENDPOINT": "<di_endpoint>",
        "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "python",
        "AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags": "EnableWorkerIndexing",
        "AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT": "<azure_openai_endpoint>",
        "SEARCH_SERVICE_ENDPOINT": "<search_service_endpoint>"
  2. Configure Endpoints
    Fill out DI_ENDPOINT, AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT, SOURCE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME, and SEARCH_SERVICE_ENDPOINT with the correct endpoints from the .env file located at .azure/indexadillo-dev/.env.

  3. Start Azurite Service
    Launch the Azurite service by using the Azurite: Start command from the VS Code command palette.

  4. Set Up a Virtual Environment (if not using Dev Containers)
    If you're not using a VS Code dev container, you need to manually set up a Python virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv src/.venv

    Then, activate it:

    • Linux/macOS:
      source src/.venv/bin/activate
    • Windows (PowerShell):

    Also, make sure you have the Azure Functions Core Tools installed.

  5. Run the Debugger In the VS Code debug section, select and run the Attach to Python Function configuration.

Resource Architecture

Below is a diagram of the Azure resources that get deployed when you run azd up. Everything is organized under a single resource group:

Resource Diagram

  • Storage Account (with source container): Where you drop PDFs to be processed.
  • Event Grid: Sends notifications to the function app whenever a new file is uploaded.
  • Function App: Hosts the Durable Functions that orchestrate parsing, embedding, indexing and serving the http endpoints.
  • App Service Plan (Flex Consumption Plan): Underlying hosting model for the Function App.
  • Document Intelligence: Extracts text from PDFs or other document types (if implemented).
  • Azure OpenAI Embeddings: Converts text to vector embeddings for advanced AI search.
  • AI Search: Stores and queries your indexed documents, with a default index out of the box.
  • Application Insights: Collects telemetry, logs, and performance metrics.

Feel free to customize or rename these resources to suit your workflow. For more details on each service:


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you’d like to help out. All improvements are welcome—whether that’s more chunking strategies, extra integration tests, or better docs.


MIT License