Azure Logic Apps - B2B Disaster Recovery replication

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This template demonstrates B2B Disaster Recovery replication using Logic Apps. Creates replication Logic Apps for AS2 MIC, generated and received X12 and Edifact control numbers. Each Logic App's trigger points to a primary site integration account. Each Logic App's action points to a secondary site integration account. Primary and secondary sites must have prerequisite Integration Accounts deployed (Integration Accounts are not deployed as part of this template). Furthermore to see the replication happen the primary site must have Logic Apps deployed with X12 Encode and/or Decode action(s) and AS2 Encode action. (Logic Apps for X12/AS2 Encode and Decode are not deployed as part of this template). It is recommended that the primary site and secondary site are deployed in different regions and different resource group. The replication Logic Apps should be deployed to the secondary site, region and resource group. Hence this template parameters include the resource group of the primary integration account and assume that the secondary integration account is in the same resource group as where the template is deployed. For deployment of the integration accounts and sample B2B (AS2) logic app, please refer to "201-logic-app-as2-send-receive" as example. Tags: AS2, X12, Logic Apps, Integration Account, Enterprise Integration, Microsoft.Logic/workflows, ApiConnection, Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts, MICROSOFT.WEB/CONNECTIONS

Deployment steps

You can click the "deploy to Azure" button at the beginning of this document or follow the instructions for command line deployment using the scripts in the root of this repo. You need to provide the Integration Account Names for the prerequisite primary and secondary sites, along with the resource group name of the primary Integration Account (which ideally should be different from the resource group this template is deploying to).


Once the deployment is completed, you should see the following resources in the resource group blade in the Azure Portal. NOTE that the secondary integration account is not deployed as part of this template. ![Image of Azure resources](images/azure-resources.png"Azure resources")

X12/Edifact DR Logic App

  • In order for control numbers to be replicated, X12/Edifact encode and/or decode activity must happen on the primary site Logic App which X12/Edifact action uses the primary Integration Account. Send a test message to your pre-requisite Logic App.
  • The replication Logic Apps will trigger every 1 minute by default. If the test message you sent was less than a minute ago, you may click 'Run Trigger' 'When_a_control_number_is_...' to generate an immediate run. The logic app run will contain the replication of all the control numbers that was modified by the X12/Edifact Encode/Decode operations in the 1 minute window since previous trigger run. ![Image of History for Control Number replication Logic App](images/cn-replication-history.png"History for Control Number replication Logic App")
  • You can look into the run history and input/output for each action for these logic apps for replication results. ![Image of Run details for Control Number replication Logic App](images/cn-run-details.png"Run details for Control Number replication Logic App")
  • To perform a disaster recovery:
    • Disable the X12/Edifact Encode-Decode Logic Apps on the primary site and the replication Logic Apps for Generated and Received control numbers.
    • Use the Azure PowerShell cmdlet Get-AzureRmIntegrationAccountGeneratedIcn (Associated with Encode Actions) and Set-AzureRmIntegrationAccountGeneratedIcn (Associated with Decode Actions) to increment the Interchange Control Number for each of your sent agreements on the secondary Integration Account. This change may take up to 15 seconds to take effect.
    • Redirect traffic to the X12 Encode-Decode Logic Apps on the secondary site. (These Logic Apps are not deployed as part of this template.)
    • Once your primary site has recovered, you need to deploy a new set of replication Logic Apps with source secondary Integration Account and target primary Integration Account. You need to wait that this new set drains the backlog of control numbers before switching traffic back to the primary site.

AS2 DR Logic App

  • MIC content is created on AS2 encode when AS2 agreement is configured for MDN. On successful encode, MIC content is created which is replicated to secondary Integration Account by the DR Logic App. Send a test message to the pre-requisite Logic App.
  • The replication Logic App will trigger every 1 minute by default. If the test message you sent was less than a minute ago, you may click 'Run Trigger' 'When_a_MIC_values_is_created' to generate an immediate run. The logic app run will contain the replication of all the MIC values that was created in the 1 minute window since previous trigger run.
  • You can look into the run history and input/output for each action for these logic apps for replication results.
  • To perform a disaster recovery:
    • Disable the Logic Apps performing AS2 Encode-Decode operations and the MIC Replication Logic App (if present) on the primary site.
    • Redirect AS2 traffic to the secondary site from primary site.
    • Once the primary site has recovered from disaster, data which was processed by the secondary site must be restored in the primary site. Deploy MicReplication Logic App in the primary site wait till the data restoration is completed.


  • Please note that without encode or decode activity on the primary site there will be no MIC and control number to be replicated and the replication Logic Apps' trigger history will show 'skipped' status.
  • By default the trigger frequency for the replication Logic Apps is 1 minute. You can change this value in the Logic App Designer or code view.
  • The X12/Edifact triggers "When a control number is modified" alternate runs between a query for change until current time and a query for change five minutes or older to ensure no change is overlooked due to possible time-skew between distributed computing hosts. You will see the same control numbers change trigger once near real-time then a second time five minutes later. In the first run you will see the "Add or update control numbers" output "updateControlNumberStatus" property have the value "ControlNumberSuccessfullyUpdated". In the second run you will see the "Add or update control numbers" output "updateControlNumberStatus" property have the value "ControlNumberContentNotChanged". Similar behaviour is applicable for all the B2B Triggers.
  • The AS2 DR replication is applicable for AS2 encoded/decoded data processed post DR release.


Learn more about: Azure Logic Apps