Deploy Neo4J in Ubuntu VM.
Built by: helshabini
This template allows you to deploy an Ubuntu Server VM and starts a Neo4J instance listening on ports 7687(bolt), 7474 (non-ssl), 7473 (ssl).
After the virtual machine is deployed you can access Neo4J by browsing to http://{hostname}:7474/
Default username: neo4j
Default password: neo4j
Below are the parameters that the template expects:
Name | Description |
vmName | Virtual machine name. |
vmSize | Virtual machine size. |
vmUbuntuOSVersion | Ubuntu OS image version. |
storageaccountPrefix | Storage account name prefix. |
storageaccountType | Storage account type. Premium storage is recommended for graph databases. |
vmAdminUsername | User name for the virtual machine. |
sshKeyData | SSH rsa public key file as a string. |
neo4jEdition | Neo4J edition and version to install. |
publicIPAddressDns | Unique DNS for public IP Address. |
Tags: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups, Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces, Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses, Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, extensions, CustomScriptForLinux