Create SQL MI with configured sending of logs and metrics.

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This template allows you to create an Azure SQL Managed Instance inside a new virtual network, and also creates diagnostic workspace, storage account, and event hub for storing diagnostic logs. To learn more about how to deploy the template, see the quickstart article.

Tags: Azure, SqlDb, Managed Instance, Event Hub, Diagnostic, Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups, Microsoft.Network/routeTables, Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances, SystemAssigned, Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces, eventhubs, Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts, Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces, Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings

Solution overview and deployed resources

This deployment creates an Azure Virtual Network with a properly configured ManagedInstance subnet and deploys a Managed Instance inside. Other deployed resources include event hub, diagnostic workspace and storage account are deployed for the purpose of sending and storing diagnostic logs.

Deployment steps

You can select the Deploy to Azure button at the beginning of this document. Or, follow the instructions for command line deployment using the scripts in the root of this repository, and populate the following parameters:

  • Name of the Managed Instance that will be created including Managed Instance administrator name and password.
  • Name of the Azure Virtual Network that will be created and configured, including the address range that will be associated to this VNet. The default address range is but you can change it to fit your needs.
  • Name of the subnet where the Managed Instance will be created. If you don't change the name, it will be ManagedInstance. The default address range is but you can change it to fit your needs.
  • Sku name that combines service tier and hardware generation, number of virtual cores and storage size in GB. The table below shows supported combinations.
  • License type of BasePrice if you're eligible for Azure Hybrid Use Benefit for SQL Server or LicenseIncluded.
GP_Gen5 BC_Gen5
Tier General Purpose Busines Critical
Hardware Gen 5 Gen 5
Min vCores 8 8
Max vCores 80 80
Min storage size 32 32
Max storage size 8192 1024 GB for 8, 16 vCores
2048 GB for 24 vCores
4096 GB for 32, 40, 64, 80 vCores
  • Name for the diagnostic settings configuration
  • Name for the log analytics workspace where logs will be sent
  • Name for the storage account that will be used for sending logs
  • Event hub name, Event hub namespace name and event hub authorization rule name for confguring environment for storing logs in an event hub


Deployment of first instance in the subnet might take up to six hours, while subsequent deployments take up to 1.5 hours. This is because a virtual cluster that hosts the instances needs time to deploy or resize the virtual cluster. For more details visit Overview of Azure SQL Managed Instance management operations

Each virtual cluster is associated with a subnet and deployed together with first instance creation. In the same way, a virtual cluster is automatically removed together with last instance deletion leaving the subnet empty and ready for removal.