Storage Account with SSE and blob deletion retention policy
This template creates an Azure Storage account with Storage Service Encryption and a blob deletion retention policy.
Example 1 - Storage account with encryption enabled
param deploymentName string = 'storage${utcNow()}'
module storage './main.bicep' = {
name: deploymentName
params: {
storageAccountName: 'mystorageaccount'
storageSku: 'Standard_LRS'
storageKind: 'StorageV2'
storageTier: 'Hot'
deleteRetentionPolicy: 7
Example 2 - Storage account without encryption enabled
param deploymentName string = 'storage${utcNow()}'
module storage './main.bicep' = {
name: deploymentName
params: {
storageAccountName: 'mystorageaccount'
storageSku: 'Standard_LRS'
storageKind: 'StorageV2'
storageTier: 'Hot'
deleteRetentionPolicy: 7
blobEncryptionEnabled: false
Tags: bicep, storage, blob, Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts, Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices