Xamarin.iOS - Sign In with Apple Flow

This is a Xamarin port of Apple's Adding the Sign In with Apple Flow to Your App sample.

Provide a fast, secure, and privacy-friendly way for users to set up an account and start using your services.


Perform the following steps before building and running the app. On Apple Developer Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles portal:

  1. Create a new App Ids Identifier
  2. Set a description in the Description field
  3. Choose an Explicit Bundle ID and set com.xamarin.AddingTheSignInWithAppleFlowToYourApp in the field.
  4. Enable Sign In with Apple capability and register the new Identity
  5. Create a new Provisioning Profile with the new Identity
  6. Download and install it on your device
  7. In Visual Studio, enable the Sign In with Apple capability in Entitlements.plist file

Build Requirements

Building this sample requires Xcode 11.0 and iOS 13.0 SDK



This sample runnable on iPhoneSimulator/iPadSimulator iPhone/iPad


Xamarin port changes are released under the MIT license.

The original sample is released under the following license.