Step 4: Review destination paths in Migration Manager Dropbox
In this step, review the destination paths of the accounts you have moved to the migrations list, making sure they're correct. An account can't be migrated without a destination indicated. Once you start migrating content to a destination, it can't be modified.
Single destination edit
If a destination is missing on a single user, highlight the row and update the value.
Highlight the row. A panel will display. Under Destination, select Edit.
You have the choice of selecting a OneDrive, SharePoint, or Teams path as a destination. Depending on your selection:
For OneDrive, enter the OneDrive URL or email address and the location/folder name
For SharePoint, enter site URL and location
For Teams, select the team and the channel
Select Save path.
If the desired destination doesn’t appear in the dropdown list, please upload it using a CSV file as described below.
Upload destinations using a CSV file
If you have many destinations to edit, you can choose to upload a bulk destinations CSV file. Download the MigrationDestinations.csv file template to your computer and enter your destinations. The template lists all migration tasks that have never been run, and you can add to or modify the “destination path” column. Then save your file as a .csv file using any name you wish.
From the Migrations tab, select Upload destinations from the menu bar.
Select the file to upload with your destinations.
The destinations will be validated upon uploading.
The validation process may take a while and can be skipped. However, we strongly recommend you complete the validation. You can always open another browser tab to continue Migration Manager operations.
A validation report is generated if issues are found. Download the report to fix the issues based on the error message provided. Then reupload the fixed destinations to pass the validation.
Select Save.
Rows with vacant destination paths will be skipped in the validation process.
If you’re an administrator who deploys and manages Microsoft 365 and performs Microsoft 365 tenant-level implementation and administration of cloud and hybrid environments, this certification is designed for you.