Step 4: Monitoring and reporting status of migration tasks
After you select Migrate, the progress of your migration task appears. As they complete, you can view either detailed or summary reports of an individual task or a single summary report that includes all migration jobs submitted during this session. To learn more, see Using the SharePoint Migration Tool Reports.
The SharePoint Migration Tool generates log files, summary and task level reports to help you manage, audit and troubleshoot your migration process.
Monitor your migration
The migration job progress shows the overall progress of the migration job. Users can pause and resume all migration tasks, check the time elapsed and time remaining, and observe migration performance suggestions.
The migration task progress shows the progress of individual migration tasks. Users can pause/resume or delete a migration task, check the time elapsed and the time remaining, watch migration stats, and view reports.
How to view the reports
These reports can be viewed while the migration is taking place or after the jobs are complete.
Viewing task level reports:
After the migration has begun, select View reports.
A file folder opens listing the task level reports that have been generated for that specific task.
Viewing summary reports:
After migration completes, select Migration details.
A folder with the summary reports opens.
Summary Reports
Two types of summary reports are generated. The second type of summary report generated only if there are failures.
SummaryReport.csv. This report contains a single row of data that gives the total picture total size, number of files migrated, duration.
FailureSummary.csv. This report is created only when failures or errors happen during the migration process.
When assessing your migration jobs, we recommend that you first look at these summary reports. If a FailureSummary.csv file wasn't created, then no failures occurred during the task run.
Summary Report
File path or URL of the location of the data being migrated.
The URL of the Site and library to where the data will be migrated.
Status of each task (success, failure, in progress, not started)
Total bytes
Total number of bytes scanned in source destination..
Total GB
Total number of gigabytes scanned in source destination.
Count of files
Total number of scanned items
Migrated bytes
The total number of bytes of data migrated.
Migrated GB in current round
The total size of the files migrated, expressed in gigabytes.
GB not migrated in current round
The total size of the files not migrated, expressed in gigabytes.
Total scanned items
Total number of files and list items, including those that is filtered out because of settings or potential scan issues.
Total to be migrated in current round
The total number of files that were expected to migrate excluding those filtered out based on settings or potential scan issues.
Migrated items in current round
The total number of files migrated.
Items not migrated in current round
Number of files that didn't migrate.
Warning count in current round
Number of warnings generated.
Start time
The time the migration task began.
End time
The time the migration task ended.
Length of time in minutes that the migration task took to complete.
How many GB per migrated per hour.
Round number
The round number is the incremental number of times the report has been generated based on the multiple passes the tool made to get all the content it could into the destination.
Workflow ID
The ID number of the migration workflow. Many tasks can be in a single workflow.
Task ID
The individual task number.
Log Path
The location of the log files for each task.
Failure Summary Report
This report is only generated if a failure occurs during the job run.
File path or URL of the location of the data being migrated.
The URL of the Site and library to where the data will be migrated.
File name
Failed file or folder name or list items
If it's a folder, then the extension is empty, else if it's a file, then extension is file extension.
File size
Failed file or folder size or item size
Content type
Folder or file.
Status of the file or folder that shows as "Failed" in this report.
Result category
Failed reason category based on the job process.
Failed reason detail description.
Error code
Failed reason errorcode.
Package number
The package number for the package includes the failed item.
Migration job ID
The job ID for the package includes the failed item.
Incremental round
The last incremental round number that item failed.
Task ID
The individual task number.
Device name
The name of the device or computer that is running the migration job.
Task Reports
When you need to do deeper investigation or a thorough verification of your migration task, the task level reports help you drill down into the specific details. The four recommended task level reports to use are:
ItemSummary.csv: This is similar to the overall summary report except that it aggregates the data just for a single task.
ItemFailureReport.csv: This is the failure report at the item level. This is a filtered version of the files report, showing only failures.
ItemReport.csv: A list of all the items this task attempted to do
ScanSummary.csv: This report gives statistical totals.
StructureReport.csv: Structure report at the task level.
StructureFailureReport.csv: Structure failure report at the task level.
StructureFailureSummary.csv: This is an aggregate of all the structural task failure reports. This will only be generated if there are failures.
Item Summary
The ItemSummary.csv report is a summary report at the task level.
Incremental round
The round number added to the end of the report name (RO, R1, etc.) indicates if the scan or job has been rerun.
Total number of files scanned before migration.
Item scan failures
Number of files that failed the scan and doesn't qualify for the migration.
Filtered out items
Number of files not included in migration.
Expected migrated file count
The total number of files that were expected to migrate excluding those filtered out based settings or scanned potential issues. The total number of files that were expected to migrate.
Total number of files read.
Total number of files packaged and ready to upload to the destination.
Total number of files attempted to upload.
The total number of files that were re-uploaded.
Total number of files submitted.
Total number of files resubmitted.
Total number of files migrated.
Failed reading
Number of files that encountered an error or failure while being read.
Failed packing
Number of files that encountered an error or failure while being packaged.
Failed uploading
Number of files that encountered an error or failure while being uploaded.
Failed submitting
Number of files that encountered an error or failure while being submitted.
Failed querying
Number of files that encountered an error or failure while being queried.
Device name
Name of the device or computer that is running the migration job.
Item Failure Report
The ItemFailureReport.csv, is only generated if an error resulting in a file being unable or failing to migrate.
File path or URL of the location of the data being migrated.
the URL of the tenant and library to where the data will be migrated.
Item name
The name of the file migrated.
The extension, indicating the file type.
Item size
The size of the individual file.
Content type
The file type.
Status indicating at what stage the file is.
Result category
General code associated with the item to indicate what happened with that item.
Detailed error or informational message.
Error code
Failed reason error code.
Source item ID
ID of the item at the source.
Destination item ID
ID of the item at the destination.
Package number
ID generated for the package number during the transition.
Migration job ID
The ID number of the job (which could contain one or more tasks).
Incremental round
The round number added to the end of the report name (RO, R1, etc.) indicates if the scan or job has been rerun.
Task ID
The ID number of the Task.
Device name
Name of the device or computer that is running the migration job.
Item Report
The ItemReport.csv is a detailed report that provides data on each file within the task.
Column name
File path or URL of the location of the data being migrated.
the URL of the tenant and library to where the data will be migrated.
File name
The name of the file migrated.
The extension, indicating the file type.
File size
The size of the individual file.
Content type
The file type.
Status indicating at what stage the file is.
Result category
General code associated with the item to indicate what happened with that item.
More detailed error or informational message generated.
Source item ID
ID of the item at the source.
Destination item ID
ID of the item at the destination.
Package number
ID generated for the package number during the transition.
Migration job ID
The ID number of the job (which could contain one or more tasks).
Incremental round
The round number added to the end of the report name (RO, R1, etc.) indicates if the scan or job has been rerun.
Task ID
The ID number of the Task.
Device name
Name of the device or computer that is running the migration job.
Scan Summary
The ScanSummary.csv report provides the total stats for the scan. The scan process takes place before the migration begins.
Incremental round
The round number added to the end of the report name (RO, R1, etc.) indicates if the scan or job has been rerun.
Total scanned items
Total number of folders, list items and files that have been scanned.
Total scanned folders
Total number of folders scanned.
Total scanned list items
Total number of list items scanned.
Total scanned files
Total number of files scanned.
Folders with issues
The number of folders with potential issues for the migration.
Items with issues
The number of files with potential issues for migration.
Items filtered out
Number of files that were filtered out based on settings in the tool.
Folders to be migrated
Number of folders that will be migrated.
Items to be migrated
Number of files that will be migrated.
Total items to be migrated
Total number of folders and files that are migrated.
Device name
Name of the device or computer that is running the migration job.
Structure report
Structure report at the task level.
Structure type
Site collection, site, list, field, content type, view
Structure title
Display name of the object
Skipped, created or updated.
Success, partial success, failure
Reason for failure.
Source structure URL
Display the source URL. Site collection, site, and list will list the URL. Fields, content type. and view will display its container's URL.
Destination structure URL
Display the source URL. Site collection, site, and list will list the URL. Fields, content type, and view will display its container's URL.
Source structure ID
ID when available.
Destination structure ID
ID when available.
Time stamp
The time at which the action occurred.
Hub site report
URL of the SPO site
URL of the hub site. This column is empty if the site isn't hub site
Error type. Blank if no error occurred.
Error message
Performance report
This report provides scores ranging from 1 to 100. The greater the number, the higher the speed. While these scores can't predict how fast the migration performs, they can help identify areas that could be impacting your migration performance.
The SharePoint Migration Tool simplifies migrating your data from on-premises SharePoint Server document libraries and local file shares to SharePoint in Microsoft 365.