
Prebuilt Docker Images for Inference in Azure Machine Learning | AI Show

Join Seth as he welcomes Shivani Santosh Sambare to talk about Prebuilt Docker Images for Inference in Azure Machine Learning. 

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[00:17] Show begins
[00:29] Welcome Shivani
[00:38] What are the challenges working with ML environments?
[01:11] Solutions to ML challenges/environments = Prebuilt Docker Images for Inference
[02:12] How do I make this work with other specialized environments?
[04:10] Demo: Deploying PyTorch model using Azure ML
[04:30] Scoring script 
[06:50] End demo & recap
[09:06] Learn more


Learn more:
Concept Prebuilt Docker Images: https://aka.ms/AIShow/PrebuiltDockerImages/AzureML/Doc Python Extensibility Solution: https://aka.ms/AIShow/PrebuiltDockerImages/PythonExtSolution Blog post: https://aka.ms/AIShow/PrebuiltDockerImages/TechComm/Blog


Zero to Hero Machine Learning on Azure https://aka.ms/ZerotoHero/MLonAzure
Zero to Hero Azure AI https://aka.ms/ZerotoHero/AzureAI
Create a Free account (Azure) https://aka.ms/aishow-seth-azurefree
Azure Machine Learning https://aka.ms/AIShow/AzureML

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