
Azure Landing Zones Bicep - Enabling platform services

with Thomas Maurer, Jack Tracey, Jan Faurskov

In this episode of the Azure Enablement Show, Thomas is joined again by Jack Tracey & Jan Faurskov from the Azure Landing Zones Bicep team to talk about how to use ALZ-Bicep to deploy the platform services that are part of the Azure Landing Zone Conceptual Architecture. Be sure to watch episode one Introduction to Azure Landing Zones Bicep before watching this episode.


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:59 - Continuing the Azure Landing Zone deployment that was started in episode one, what are the next steps?
  • 01:38 - Jan shows a demo of the current state of the deployment
  • 03:40 - How long does it take to deploy Policy, Role Definitions and Assignments, Logging, Networking, Subscriptions using Bicep?
  • 04:45 - What are the next steps in the Azure Landing Zone deployment?
  • 06:08 - How does Azure Landing Zones Bicep implement Azure policies
  • 07:45 - Jan continues the demo of Azure Policy Assignments deployment
  • 08:40 - Next steps: where can customers go for more information?
  • 09:02 - What's coming in the third and final episode of this series?

