Building high quality Windows PCs using the assessment and deployment kit
with Michael Beck
The Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) provides tools that make it easier to build high-quality Windows PCs. This session will discuss new features in the ADK that can help you measure, compare and improve the experiences your Windows PCs delivers. This includes discussion on how to easily evaluate the impact of customizations, drivers, software and hardware on system performance as well as responsiveness, and energy efficiency. The session will also demonstrate how to run and collect assessments within the Windows Assessment Console and Windows Performance Analyzer to highlight and investigate common issues.
The Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) provides tools that make it easier to build high-quality Windows PCs. This session will discuss new features in the ADK that can help you measure, compare and improve the experiences your Windows PCs delivers. This includes discussion on how to easily evaluate the impact of customizations, drivers, software and hardware on system performance as well as responsiveness, and energy efficiency. The session will also demonstrate how to run and collect assessments within the Windows Assessment Console and Windows Performance Analyzer to highlight and investigate common issues.
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