GoingNative 27: Improvements to Visual Studio Graphics Diagnostics
(Intro errata: This is available in VS2013 Update 3 RC, which is being released today, not Update 3 itself.)
Apologies for the delay in getting out our June episode; the release of VS2013 Update 3 RC was delayed two days, which brings us into July instead of the end of June =P
We deliver to you more "contents of a graphical nature" this month as fellow Visual C++ PM Rong Lu demonstrates what's new in the Visual Studio Graphics Diagnostics (VSGD) tool, now available in VS2013 Update 3 RC! VSGD can be used to diagnose graphics rendering and performance issues in desktop, Windows Phone, or Windows apps; it just gets better in every release since first being introduced VS2012!
You'll also meet the team members who are behind the VSGD feature; don't miss it! =)
Useful Links:
VS2013 Update 3 RC Download
Visual Studio "14" CTP Download
VC++ Bytes Episode 2-1, 2-2
(Intro errata: This is available in VS2013 Update 3 RC, which is being released today, not Update 3 itself.)
Apologies for the delay in getting out our June episode; the release of VS2013 Update 3 RC was delayed two days, which brings us into July instead of the end of June =P
We deliver to you more "contents of a graphical nature" this month as fellow Visual C++ PM Rong Lu demonstrates what's new in the Visual Studio Graphics Diagnostics (VSGD) tool, now available in VS2013 Update 3 RC! VSGD can be used to diagnose graphics rendering and performance issues in desktop, Windows Phone, or Windows apps; it just gets better in every release since first being introduced VS2012!
You'll also meet the team members who are behind the VSGD feature; don't miss it! =)
Useful Links:
VS2013 Update 3 RC Download
Visual Studio "14" CTP Download
VC++ Bytes Episode 2-1, 2-2
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