
CodeChat 037 - Polis is a Whole New Kind of Online Comment System

Colin (@colinmegill) is back. This time, he's going to show us Polis (pol.is) - a whole new paradigm for a web commenting system. If you think you know how traditional commenting works (or doesn't!) on the web, then clear your mind and then take a look at Polis. Most commenting systems are impossible to make any sense of, whereas Polis uses the power of machine learning to make meaning out of opinions and turn that into a slick visual that nearly instantly conveys how others are reacting to the content you're reading online.

So, watch this chat and then go to pol.is and give it a shot.

I hope you enjoy the episode. Please do take a chance to drop a comment down below. Let us know what you think, ask the guests a question, or recommend something for a future show.

As always, you can find me online at codefoster.com or on Twitter @codefoster.
