
CodeStories Shanghai | Teaching the world to code

In this episode of CodeStories, Christina meets with Zihao - a Microsoft Student Ambassador and MVP to learn his journey into computer science, and how he's created a video channel in China where he's teaching hundreds of thousands of people how to get started in AI.

Jump to:
[02:00] Zihao's entry to computer science and programming 
[04:00] Starting a video channel 
[07:06] Applying data to civil engineering 
[10:37] Annotating academic papers 
[14:01] Zihao's advice for getting started with AI

Links from this episode: 
Zihao's video channel https://space.bilibili.com/1900783
Microsoft AI EDU https://github.com/microsoft/ai-edu
Azure Custom Vision https://aka.ms/CodeStories-customvision
Microsoft Learn; Get started with AI on Azure https://aka.ms/CS/LearnAI
Microsoft MVP program https://aka.ms/CodeStories/MVP

Additional resources: 
Azure free trial https://aka.ms/CS/AzureFreeTrial
Like and subscribe to CodeStories on Channel 9 https://aka.ms/c9CodeStories